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Event team skin.

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  • Event team skin.

    In TDM or CTF or any other team event, when you go in a team you get your team skin. For example, blue teams gets skin id 54 and the red team gets skin id 86. That way you can tell who to shoot from a far distance, and maybe new players will understand not to shoot his teammates. The skins would be set when an admin "builds" the event.

    Redzi es pat ar lielo burtu rakstu dickplex.
    I used to be the only lvl1 player with speed boost 3 on the server. then robo came...

  • #2
    I suggested similar thing to rick some months before, I would add some more stuff to this suggestiob-
    1) skin
    Event builder should be able to set skin for 2 teams.
    2) time and weather
    Event builder should be able to add time and weather options for a perticular event , so that when that event starts then the time and weather is automatically changed to whatever is specified by the builder.
    Also, most objects have different textures and complexeon in different time and weather.
    3)health or armour
    The event builder should also be able to set the health of the players when they join the event , there can be many cool ideas with that system in the event!


    • #3
      Yes! This is a great idea and will help noobs.


      • #4
        Yes, good idea it should be like that :

        Team Blue : Skin 177
        Team Red : Skin 53
        Last edited by Medik; 16-07-14, 09:13 PM.


        • #5
          This is really needed in my opinion, I support your idea.


          • #6
            This is really needed in events in my opinion . I totally agree with the sugestion ,but
            Originally posted by EviL View Post
            Yes, good idea it should be like that :

            Team Blue : Skin 177
            Team Red : Skin 53
            I think this is wrong , maybe each team should have a skin which suits the Team's name. For example "Team Red" will spawn with a skin that has RED clothing , same with the "Blue Team" , but BLUE clothing . I've looked for skins that would suit the teams , and i found some .

            I've found more skins for each team.

            RED TEAM :

            Skin 1

            Skin 19

            Skin 170

            Skin 160

            BLUE TEAM

            Skin 42

            Skin 177

            Skin 230

            Skin 268

            Last edited by Toxic_Ro; 17-07-14, 01:55 PM.


            • #7
              Good idea i support this one.


              • #8
                I dont think setting default team skins is good. It would be better if the map creator could choose himself


                • #9
                  Red team

                  Blue team

                  I support this idea (/setctfskin, /setsiegeskin and /settdmskin)
                  Last edited by Cashewz; 17-07-14, 10:33 PM.


                  • #10
                    // * Rick: Added /setctfskins level 5+ admin command to set the CTF skins
                    // * Rick: Added /setsiegeskins level 5+ admin command to set the Siege skins
                    // * Rick: Added /setdmskins level 5+ admin command to set the Team Death Match skins

                    Changes will be available in the next GamerX Version.


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