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Command suggestion

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  • Command suggestion

    Helllo everyone!

    My only suggestion is to add a commands like "/cashhelp" and "/moneyhelp" since purchasing properties is not the only way to earn money, the command could display something in the screen something like when you type /ph, /chelp, and others

    Those commands could show all the ways to earn money which are killing players and taking their money, making killstreaks from 5 - 14, winning races and purchasing properties

    That would be better since when someone asks how to earn money, the players reply saying "/ph" when there are other ways to earn money, so If those commads were added, they could reply saying "Read /casshelp to learn about earning money" or "Read /moneyhelp to learn about earning money"

    They know about there are other ways to earn money but seems they are lazy to tell all, so adding that command about help to earn money would make easier to information

    That's all
    Last edited by Churre; 15-12-17, 04:10 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Force View Post
    Helllo everyone!

    My only suggestion is to add a commands like "/cashhelp" and "/moneyhelp" since purchasing properties is not the only way to earn money, the command could display something in the screen something like when you type /ph, /chelp, and others

    Those commands could show all the ways to earn money which are killing players and taking their money, making killstreaks from 5 - 14, winning races and purchasing properties

    That would be better since when someone asks how to earn money, the players reply saying "/ph" when there are other ways to earn money, so If those commads were added, they could reply saying "Read /casshelp to learn about earning money" or "Read /moneyhelp to learn about earning money"

    They know about there are other ways to earn money but seems they are lazy to tell all, so adding that command about help to earn money would make easier to information

    That's all
    Looks good, the command should be like /cashhelp or something as they want to know how to earn cash so when we say /prophelp it a bit doesn't makes sense in a way as it's about properties that's different question that purchasing properties is the best way to earn money in GamerX.

    So if someone imo, type /cashhelp (if this command gets added so) it should show him a detailed "Dailog Box" and there should be all kind of info that how to earn money etc, you can also earn through this killing sprees, killing players who have hits on their hits etc

    I want it to be a bit detailed and obviously in the end a note "That Money is not so useful thing in GamerX" etc so that people who think money is everything and keeps on spamming "ADMIN 1000000 PLEASE" will understand this thing that oh so it's not useful and yes you can tell in a brief way too in that box that with money what can you even do so that's my view on this suggestion
    Last edited by Muaaz; 15-12-17, 12:04 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Muaaz View Post

      Looks good, the command should be like /cashhelp or something as they want to know how to earn cash so when we say /prophelp it a bit doesn't makes sense in a way as it's about properties that's different question that purchasing properties is the best way to earn money in GamerX.

      So if someone imo, type /cashhelp (if this command gets added so) it should show him a detailed "Dailog Box" and there should be all kind of info that how to earn money etc, you can also earn through this killing sprees, killing players who have hits on their hits etc

      I want it to be a bit detailed and obviously in the end a note "That Money is not so useful thing in GamerX" etc so that people who think money is everything and keeps on spamming "ADMIN 1000000 PLEASE" will understand this thing that oh so it's not useful and yes you can tell in a brief way too in that box that with money what can you even do so that's my view on this suggestion
      You got my point! also showing in what you can use the money in GamerX, /jetpack, /healme, /ammo, /buy, /givecash - /givemoney, /bounty - /hit - /contract...

      EDIT: I'm also suggesting to allow us to type /donators when we are on minigames/events/races/challenges since we can type /tps and /admins, but we can't type /donators... I don't know If that only happens on events, but I wasn't able to type /donators when I was in an event


      • #4
        Originally posted by Force View Post
        EDIT: I'm also suggesting to allow us to type /donators when we are on minigames/events/races/challenges since we can type /tps and /admins, but we can't type /donators... I don't know If that only happens on events, but I wasn't able to type /donators when I was in an event
        Well, okay i didn't knew someone will get that sad just because he cannot type /donators in events etc (if it happens as i have not seen that myself or tried to type that tho) lol just joking xD i don't think it's a big issue but okay why not then lol yeah no harm to add that too so we can type that in events etc too :P
        Last edited by Muaaz; 15-12-17, 01:51 PM.


        • #5
          I totally agree with your suggestion, but adding that money is not so useful is unnecessary they will realize it by themselves. +1 from me.
          People get mad when you treat them how they treat you.


          • #6
            i think /cashhelp will do the job but what about the /propshelp does this new command will have all the information of props bonus cake if it will then i am with u
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            • #7
              Originally posted by Cpt.sana View Post
              i think /cashhelp will do the job but what about the /propshelp does this new command will have all the information of props bonus cake if it will then i am with u
              I didn't understand what you mean... /propshelp doesn't show all the ways to earn money, it only shows the way to earn money by buying properties when there are other ways to do it, like killing players and taking their money, making killstreaks, winning races...


              • #8
                Getting and using money on our server is neither difficult nor necessary to enjoy the game (from my point of view money is kinda useless here). The quickest and most effective way to make money is from buying properties and that's why (/ph) is linked as an answer when a player asks ''how to get money'' etc. So in my opinion the already existed assistant commands are enough and this suggestion is not so important.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Whithes View Post
                  Getting and using money on our server is neither difficult nor necessary to enjoy the game (from my point of view money is kinda useless here). The quickest and most effective way to make money is from buying properties and that's why (/ph) is linked as an answer when a player asks ''how to get money'' etc. So in my opinion the already existed assistant commands are enough and this suggestion is not so important.
                  Yes, the money is kinda useless but there are players who cares about money in the game, and they want to know how to earn money and everyone only reply saying /ph when there are other ways to earn money, so adding a command like /cashhelp showing all the ways to earn money would be useful for players who cares about money, I made this suggestion for those who cares about money, ALSO when they look for properties, they start asking "where can I find properties?" or "I don't have enough money!"... And yes, sometimes players tells them that they can search around the server and about there are cheap properties, but here comes the problem, If they don't have enough money, they will ask where should they find a cheap property, but players reply saying "search around", and it's not easy, so If they would know about there are other ways to earn money, they wouldn't be a bit bothered searching and searching properties.

                  But what command shows that winning races/killing players and taking their money/making killstreaks is a way to earn money? As far as I know there are no commands that shows that, so a /cashhelp command would be important to show all that with detailed information.


                  • #10
                    Churre that is what i mean that the command you have suggested would have all /ph command information with some new info like u asked ???
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cpt.sana View Post
                      Churre that is what i mean that the command you have suggested would have all /ph command information with some new info like u asked ???
                      /ph is for help and information about properties, not about money


                      • #12
                        It's not necessary for /cashhelp to contain info about properties there is a seperate command for it, /ph
                        People get mad when you treat them how they treat you.


                        • #13
                          okay i got it
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