Helllo everyone!
My only suggestion is to add a commands like "/cashhelp" and "/moneyhelp" since purchasing properties is not the only way to earn money, the command could display something in the screen something like when you type /ph, /chelp, and others
Those commands could show all the ways to earn money which are killing players and taking their money, making killstreaks from 5 - 14, winning races and purchasing properties
That would be better since when someone asks how to earn money, the players reply saying "/ph" when there are other ways to earn money, so If those commads were added, they could reply saying "Read /casshelp to learn about earning money" or "Read /moneyhelp to learn about earning money"
They know about there are other ways to earn money but seems they are lazy to tell all, so adding that command about help to earn money would make easier to information
That's all
My only suggestion is to add a commands like "/cashhelp" and "/moneyhelp" since purchasing properties is not the only way to earn money, the command could display something in the screen something like when you type /ph, /chelp, and others
Those commands could show all the ways to earn money which are killing players and taking their money, making killstreaks from 5 - 14, winning races and purchasing properties
That would be better since when someone asks how to earn money, the players reply saying "/ph" when there are other ways to earn money, so If those commads were added, they could reply saying "Read /casshelp to learn about earning money" or "Read /moneyhelp to learn about earning money"
They know about there are other ways to earn money but seems they are lazy to tell all, so adding that command about help to earn money would make easier to information
That's all
