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Suggestion for adding weapon in duel weapon list

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  • Suggestion for adding weapon in duel weapon list

    Hii guyzz

    I have little suggestion . I think that we need to add minigun and Rocket in duel weapon list this makes more fun in duel . This weapon makes duel more good and awesome

    There are all weapons in duel weapon list except two . idk why

    This weapon never added in duel weapon list . I don't know why they are not added maybe there is some reason or maybe Nobody not suggest it

    Maybe this suggestion accept it
    Last edited by AntMan; 18-12-17, 12:00 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by AntMan View Post
    Hii guyzz

    I have little suggestion . I think that we need to add minigun and Rocket in duel weapon list this makes more fun in duel . This weapon makes duel more good and awesome

    There are all weapons in duel weapon list except two . idk why

    This weapon never added in duel weapon list . I don't know why they are not added maybe there is some reason or maybe Nobody not suggest it

    Maybe this suggestion accept it
    Okay so hmm, about this "Suggestion" i don't know too if its suggested before or not. But getting a feeling like it's suggested tho (I'm not sure, i could be wrong)

    Now coming to your question that "Why it's not added till now" first of all from my point of view as i mentioned earlier idk if it's suggested before. But Rocket/Minigun in duel? Doesn't seems so fun or something in 2 sec you will be killed with minigun so what is fun with that?

    Yeah thats different question if you are having a place, where are rooms available. You both are hiding from each other and then killing each other to make it a bit interesting but personally i don't find so fun with specially "Minigun" one there are minigun minigames available already for that in my opinion thats not needed.

    Further about rocket it's also not needed tho, but still it's not so fast like "Minigun" when it comes to killing someone so maybe if it gets added there is not any big problem in that so rocket one a bit seems fine to me
    Last edited by Muaaz; 18-12-17, 01:10 PM.


    • #3
      yeah i agree with Muaaz like whats the fun in a 2 second duel ? even people gonna use this to get duel points faster

      maybe adding rocket is fine , but minigun i dont think so


      • #4
        Originally posted by AntMan
        I have little suggestion . I think that we need to add minigun and Rocket in duel weapon list this makes more fun in duel . This weapon makes duel more good and awesome

        There are all weapons in duel weapon list except two . idk why

        This weapon never added in duel weapon list . I don't know why they are not added maybe there is some reason or maybe Nobody not suggest it

        Maybe this suggestion accept it
        Duels with minigun doesn't makes sense, Which will just give rage to players of duels just finishing in 2-3 seconds. The duel is exactly starting with 200 hp (100 Health and 100 armour), I don't think 200 HP survive for more than 2-3 seconds. If we have duels with minigun people do farm scores/duels won. If you want minigun DM, Go /mg1 - /mg6 and call your friends to DM there too. For rockets, go /rocket1. We have a death match commands with a suitable place as well as with suitable locations. For example /mg3 is best for hiding and shooting. Most people don't care about other weapons, Most of DMers only care about walking and running weaps, I think the duel system we already have is good enough, No change needed in my opinion.

        PS: IF there is a indeed for rocket weapon in duels, Warehouse will be really useless for it. Places like a top of building which contain running places will be good. I'll show you a picture as example.

        The duel should be started automatically if the player selects "rocket". Because we don't need such locations like warehouse, in which the people's main aim will be farming scores.
        Last edited by Krrish; 18-12-17, 12:40 PM.


        • #5
          Whats wrong adding more weapons? Both party can still accept/reject the request. it's also fun sometimes to duel with other gun

          The only main reason minigun was not added because it can cause false AC action which sometimes does ban player wrongly in an minigun event.
          KVIrc User


          • #6
            Originally posted by Krrish View Post

            Duels with minigun doesn't makes sense, Which will just give rage to players of duels just finishing in 2-3 seconds. The duel is exactly starting with 200 hp (100 Health and 100 armour), I don't think 200 HP survive for more than 2-3 seconds. If we have duels with minigun people do farm scores/duels won. If you want minigun DM, Go /mg1 - /mg6 and call your friends to DM there too. For rockets, go /rocket1. We have a death match commands with a suitable place as well as with suitable locations. For example /mg3 is best for hiding and shooting. Most people don't care about other weapons, Most of DMers only care about walking and running weaps, I think the duel system we already have is good enough, No change needed in my opinion.

            PS: IF there is a indeed for rocket weapon in duels, Warehouse will be really useless for it. Places like a top of building which contain running places will be good. I'll show you a picture as example.

            The duel should be started automatically if the player selects "rocket". Because we don't need such locations like warehouse, in which the people's main aim will be farming scores.
            i agree with this, if be added such weapons : minigun/rocket to duel
            places like GBB/WAREHOUSE would be not good to duel with such weaps cuz gonna end too fast

            Places like (/GB3) , (/CASHEWZ) and (/GC1) would be good to such duels


            • #7
              Originally posted by GenGar View Post

              i agree with this, if be added such weapons : minigun/rocket to duel
              places like GBB/WAREHOUSE would be not good to duel with such weaps cuz gonna end too fast

              Places like (/GB3) , (/CASHEWZ) and (/GC1) would be good to such duels

              yeah maybe we need special place for this kinds of duel

              but i have one more idea

              We give weapon to player in duel at limit quantity like [ e.g - not more than 100 rockets and not more than 500-300 minigun ammo ]
              Last edited by AntMan; 19-12-17, 01:59 AM.


              • #8
                If a minigun has 500-300 ammo, the duel will still be finished very quickly, and about 100 rockets, I think a player can be killed easily by just three or four rockets and whatever the ammo rocket will have, the player can be killed with rocket bug if it will be allowed to do.
                People get mad when you treat them how they treat you.


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