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  • DragonBallSaga

    Hello, friends from gamerx. I thinked of an interesting idea how unused parts of ground can be filled, dragonn balls..
    As a presenter of that show i am old man Roshi also known as Turttle Hermit. IN the serie he is old man that trains a sayajin at his early age, wich later becomes Super Sayajin and defeates Fereza cruel Master of the universe, on planet Namek.

    So mind the talk, Dragon balls are awesome bcs if you bring all 7 of them together, you can make any single wish.. DragonBalls are tracked with radar on the show, so players that would play db must spend cookie to show them arows where are dragonballs, if this show heppens every half hour or like event it would be aweSOME.
    Great Battles about that balls... So for example if i wish 99999 cookies i only get 100 couse wishes are limited.. but players should wish for 1 house or 2 and simmilar stuf...

    I suggest that you type "Chia anime dragon ball" youll get what i mean shortly about 20 mins... so i wish that this gets in right place and right minds so they can manipulate it easy and construct a game that is awesome to chase

    Kame House
    p.s. type Kame House on Youtube. peace *****z

  • #2
    It's really tough to know what you're trying to saying, but atleast I got to know a "little" bit. Well not really necessary.
    Need new haters, the old one started to love me!


    • #3
      So you're trying to say, gamerX should recreate that anime into samp? thats weird..

      Can you please explain clearly what your suggestion is or what you mean?


      • #4
        Sometimes is hard to understand myself. Btw this post i made, was after 39 hours awake and 5 big joints smoken.

        I mean, it would be fun if there are 7 balls or objects that should be collected for something like wish in game.
        wishes can be listed by admins, or player can chat wish... So if wish is acceptible it should be granted.. for example i wish to be spwaned on my island house, i wish infinite m4 ammo, i wish auto armor on every spawns,..
        This could be ok for server and it can bring more people.
        Also i want to spend money but i cant so i just fight, fight fight, must make more games in this server. When i say games i think of more fun ways of group war at carefully sellected areas, or ... sry dudes i must go
        Sry for bad english i try my best. I love playing on gamerX and i would love impruvments. This message aint over.


        • #5
          This would be a good idea for a pickup competition. 7 orange ball-like objects (basket balls?) scattered all across a city or the whole map, and the first player who collects them all receives a suitable award.
          In my opinion, it's better for the award to be set by an admin rather than players choosing their own awards. Pickup competition already works that way and some requests would probably be too high.


          • #6
            Well I think i understand your idea.

            He means, 7 pickups around the maps like the original game 'Hidden Packages' but who ever gets all of them gets to choose what they want, example a dialog with choices like "100000 Cash", "10 Cookies", "200 Armor", "Infinite Sawn-Off ammo", etc..

            This would create imbalance which would make players annoyed, but however could still give some players advantages and make it fun.

            There's already something called /puc that is similar to this but without the 'wishes' thingy, it gives players cookies instead, and has a 1st 2nd 3rd place reward.

            But it would be nice to have something like 'Hidden Packages' and are shown in /stats maybe, this will keep players more busy and have players stay active just to complete that.


            • #7
              Well idea is so good that no one can reject it, everyone has a good imagination about it, and we agree of changees of the idea of other people immaginations... That is what san andreas the game is, becouse in no time inn real life event ill be able to rocket someone or spawn a fucking pimped savanna in a random party, Or else stick a fucking c4 on his as and look at him RUN like a mother fucker
              SO you can change it that is what i mean by "so i wish that this gets in right place and right minds so they can manipulate it easy"
              i thought of it like idea of me for my server, but fuck it gamer x is the best...
              Peace brothers//


              • #8
                I like misterx's idea, but i didn't understand a single word from the suggestion itself.


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