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Armor suggestion

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  • Armor suggestion

    I have a suggestion for adding a command, maybe its a stupid idea but instead of teleporting somewhere else to get an armor why dont u create a new cmd like: /armor.../getarmor.../armorme, just any cmd to get an armor instead of searching a place to get an armor, and maybe it will cost 5 or 10k its ur decision the price....just an idea, thanks

  • #2
    Many people have suggested (including me if i'm not wrong), and I don't see why not, as there is a command to refill your health, then a command to refill your armour would be useful as well.. so +1 from my side.


    • #3
      I agree with Churre. As long as we have a command to refill our health, then why not a command to get an armour.
      from me too.


      • #4
        I would really like the suggestion...

        But this command for getting armour is suggested many times here, The ammunation would be useless once this command is added, it would likely be more abused just like /healme. These reasons are given by admins whenever someone suggests this...

        What would be best is, /armour command should be used only once, when the player dies, he can type /armour again only once, he can type /armour again once he dies so to avoid abusal..


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