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GamerX Tokens, Player Tokens and an Economical/Social Concept

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  • GamerX Tokens, Player Tokens and an Economical/Social Concept

    Hello friends!


    Everyday you join GamerX on SA-MP you earn, at least, 1 GamerX Token (GXT).

    GamerX Tokens can be used to purchase Player Tokens, selection on the next Event, selection on the next Race, to exchange with other players, the ability to use restricted commands and any valuable features the community may suggest.

    GXT = Fiat Money (Example: USD, EUR, YEN)
    PT = Stocks (Example: TSLA, GME, AMC)

    Player Tokens

    Player Tokens (PT) are investments you can make towards a player you like or support. Each player has their own Player Token (example "nicoud Token"). You can use GamerX Tokens to purchase a Player Token. The more Player Tokens purchased, the more valuable they become. Every time a Player Token is purchased, the next Player Token increases 1 GamerX Token in value. Essentially becoming one GamerX Token harder to buy. You can sell Player Tokens for GamerX Tokens and the value of that Player Token will decrease by one. The GamerX Tokens used to buy Player Tokens are locked within that Players Vault. As that Players Vault grows they will earn 1 more GamerX Tokens daily for each new digit in their vault.

    When the system is implemented there will be no Player Vaults in existence. Each player will have the option to create a Player Vault for themselves at the cost of 10 GXT. When the 10 GXT is spent the player will earn 4 Player Tokens and anyone can begin to purchase or sell that particular Player Token. This is similar to the concept of stocks and necessary for a market to function.


    Vault Mechanics
    GXT in Vault GXT earned Daily
    0-9 1
    10-99 2
    100-999 3
    1000-9999 4
    10,000-99,999 5

    Player Token Mechanics and Value.
    # of Player Tokens in circulation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Value to create new PT (in GXT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    Value of circulating PT (in GXT) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    # of GXT in that Players Vault 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
    etc... (Fibonacci/Triangular number sequence equation: n(n+1)/2 )

    Example: If 8 nicoud Tokens are in circulation. There are 36 GXT in nicoud's Vault. You can sell/exchange 1 nicoud Token for 8 GXT or buy/create 1 nicoud Token for 9 GXT.

    System Potentials and Benefits

    Currently the only form of status in GamerX is Admin levels. Some players work very hard for the levels but some player never achieve admin status or the ones who do achieve it sometimes lose their status. GXT is a system that rewards players for being active and smart with their GXT. It can help teach players to be responsible through practice with economics by investing, exchanging ideas and from purchase. This system would be untampered by admins or anyone in the server. If you lose your GXT, you cannot get them refunded. This is a real world concept. The system is entirely unbiased. Accounts would become more valuable and decrease the incentive of cheating. Active players who lack the maturity to become admin can be rewarded through this system.

    You would be able to use GXT to purchase many things in the server. This would allow players to gain more responsibility and power without the fear of abuse. Admins will still have the same power they had without the need to be responsible of activating systems that could've been abused by players in the past (selecting next event, race, etc).

    Features to Grow the System (Vote as a community to decide if features should be implemented)
    -Wearable objects such as hats, backpacks, glasses, etc (Always on when you join server and join events). [nicoud]

    -Event selection queue. You can purchase the next event for 1 GXT and create a queue. The queue can be infinite but each slot is worth 1 GXT more than the last. [nicoud]

    -Race selection queue. Similar system as event. [nicoud]

    -Exchanging GXT for cookies, cakes etc. [BlackyBurn]

    -Special /SML [VishyFish]

    -/tann (token announcement) [VishyFish]

    -/tvw (Special vw activated by token) [VishyFish]

    Please leave me your opinion, suggestions and thoughts on this idea.

    Thank you,
    Last edited by Jackie; 24-05-21, 05:20 AM.

  • #2
    Awesome!! +1


    • #3
      This suggestion serve the server's interests and helps community to grow....., +1


      • #4
        +1, what about adding some more perks to it? Like buying donator status or exchaging them for cookies,cakes and other stuff.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BlackyBurn View Post
          +1, what about adding some more perks to it? Like buying donator status or exchaging them for cookies,cakes and other stuff.
          Donator status shouldn't be something to get from virtual currency, instead it can be some other temp status like "God Like tag in red color above /sml"
          About exchanges, +1.

          Also, istead of Donator status or thingy, we can have ranks based on the number of GXTokens, that can enable us for various commands. One command suggestion for it is, /tann. That'll be /tokenannounce which will consume x amont of tokens for a special styled announcement, useful for trusted players or normal players for doing private events in virual worlds or just announcing to join event, race, etc.

          edit: /tvw or /tokenvirtualworld that can be used for making a virtual world using Tokens!!!


          • #6
            Yeah i really love that... i like to make colection of those stuffs... gonna be the leader as soon as possible... good one bro


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