/chase event basicly means playing cops & crooks. It is quite very easy. 1 crook (can be 2 if there are alot of chasers/cops) and everyone else are cops. Cops have to chase the crook down and destroy his/her car. If the cops fail to do so in time, crook wins. (prize can be various: cookies, cakes, ice-creams, money etc.)
1. First, admin has to create a "Chasegame" with a command /chasecreate [name][Number of spawnzones (1-25)]
Example: /Chasecreate Chase1 25
Spawnzones (or Spawnpoints) are placed with a command /chpos. First /chpos command will place the crook's spawn point (Elegy in the image) and other 25 spawn points (infernus'es) are also done with the same command right after the crook's spawn has been placed. (If this is abit annoying/ confusing then there can be other different command for crook's spawn and cops spawn points. Example: /chposc (is for crook) and /chpos (is for cops/chasers)
Most common layout of the spawnpoints/zone could/should be looking like this:

2. Admin then will start the event with a command /chasestart, which will have different options of the game.

[PlayerId/Name] - Name or id of the escaping player (crook)
[ChaseGameId] - Game id or also known as name. (e.g. /chasecreate chase1 25)
[World] - Will set the game world. Having this event in the main world may cause some issues as other players who aren't taking part may involve.
[CopCar] - (Aka. chasers' car) Name says it all. Most common car is infernus.
[RobberCar] - (Aka. crook's car) Name says it all. Most common car is elegy.
[Cookies] - Prize for crook if he/she wins. Most common is 10 cookies.
[RunTime](minutes) - Defines how long will the chase take place. Most common is 5 minutes.
[JoinTime](minutes) - This is how long people are available to join the chaseevent. Most common is 2 minutes. (I should point out that if people select /chase [to join chaseevent] then they are cops. Admins are the ones who select the crook as they start the event. Also if the JoinTime runs out [that two minutes] then crook has 10-30[most common] seconds lead over the cops/chasers. Cops/Chasers are frozen at the time crook is escaping.)
[Promode] - Either 0 or 1 (0 = false, 1 = true). If true then chasers will have weapons (e.g. tec-9's to drive-by the crook). Most common is 0.
Example: /chaseevent Jobu_Janes chase1 10 infernus elegy 10 5 2 0
Other commands for the event. This menu can be brought up with a command /chasehelp

PS! Most of the commands are only just for admins (Or trusted players, depending on the guy who scripts it
). Commands /chase and /chaseleave are only used by non-admin players.
Notes: Crook should/could be looking Red on the map and chasers/cops are blue.
If player joins chaseevent then his/her /ssb should be disabled. Otherwise it is going to be pointless or too easy. Also everyones weapons should be removed (Drive-by weapons allowed when chase is done in "promode").
3. Enjoy the event
Few examples, as it has been played in...different server (sorry about the ads though. Note, that IP at the end doesn't work anyways
Crook's point of view
Chasers/Cop point of view
1. First, admin has to create a "Chasegame" with a command /chasecreate [name][Number of spawnzones (1-25)]
Spawnzones (or Spawnpoints) are placed with a command /chpos. First /chpos command will place the crook's spawn point (Elegy in the image) and other 25 spawn points (infernus'es) are also done with the same command right after the crook's spawn has been placed. (If this is abit annoying/ confusing then there can be other different command for crook's spawn and cops spawn points. Example: /chposc (is for crook) and /chpos (is for cops/chasers)
Most common layout of the spawnpoints/zone could/should be looking like this:
2. Admin then will start the event with a command /chasestart, which will have different options of the game.
[PlayerId/Name] - Name or id of the escaping player (crook)
[ChaseGameId] - Game id or also known as name. (e.g. /chasecreate chase1 25)
[World] - Will set the game world. Having this event in the main world may cause some issues as other players who aren't taking part may involve.
[CopCar] - (Aka. chasers' car) Name says it all. Most common car is infernus.
[RobberCar] - (Aka. crook's car) Name says it all. Most common car is elegy.
[Cookies] - Prize for crook if he/she wins. Most common is 10 cookies.
[RunTime](minutes) - Defines how long will the chase take place. Most common is 5 minutes.
[JoinTime](minutes) - This is how long people are available to join the chaseevent. Most common is 2 minutes. (I should point out that if people select /chase [to join chaseevent] then they are cops. Admins are the ones who select the crook as they start the event. Also if the JoinTime runs out [that two minutes] then crook has 10-30[most common] seconds lead over the cops/chasers. Cops/Chasers are frozen at the time crook is escaping.)
[Promode] - Either 0 or 1 (0 = false, 1 = true). If true then chasers will have weapons (e.g. tec-9's to drive-by the crook). Most common is 0.
Example: /chaseevent Jobu_Janes chase1 10 infernus elegy 10 5 2 0
Other commands for the event. This menu can be brought up with a command /chasehelp
PS! Most of the commands are only just for admins (Or trusted players, depending on the guy who scripts it

Notes: Crook should/could be looking Red on the map and chasers/cops are blue.
If player joins chaseevent then his/her /ssb should be disabled. Otherwise it is going to be pointless or too easy. Also everyones weapons should be removed (Drive-by weapons allowed when chase is done in "promode").
3. Enjoy the event

Few examples, as it has been played in...different server (sorry about the ads though. Note, that IP at the end doesn't work anyways

Crook's point of view
Chasers/Cop point of view