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ignore clan tags

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  • ignore clan tags

    can we get commands like /pm /rpo /tr ignore anything in front of the nickname that is in [] so just the name would have to be written. example: as of now, you have to do /pm [ac]nick
    with this clan tag ignoring thingy you would have to do only nick and no [ac]
    if the nick hasnt got a clan tag in front, or the nick itself is in brackets, or there are two names with different clan tags ( [faggot]putin [james]putin) it would just ask for the full name.
    i find it extremely annoying to have to type the clan tag or look up the id of the player.
    and if you disagree and think its more fun to to fiddle around with the clan tag or look for the id, i think you should be beaten up with a keyboard.

    thanks to all of those who put their clan tags at the end of their name.
    Last edited by fatlob; 01-12-14, 02:06 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by fatlob View Post
    can we get commands like /pm /rpo /tr ignore anything in front of the nickname that is in [] so just the name would have to be written. example: as of now, you have to do /pm [ac]nick
    with this clan tag ignoring thingy you would have to do only nick and no [ac]
    if the nick hasnt got a clan tag in front, or the nick itself is in brackets, or there are two names with different clan tags ( [faggot]putin [james]putin) it would just ask for the full name.
    i find it extremely annoying to have to type the clan tag or look up the id of the player.
    and if you disagree and think its more fun to to fiddle around with the clan tag or look for the id, i think you should be beaten up with a keyboard.

    thanks to all of those who put their clan tags at the end of their name.
    ill say -1 i know it little bit hard to get id of the guy with clan tag eg. i have to pm flogrils i cant /pm flog i have to type [hitman]flo then i will be able to pm him but there is another way /getid (type half name) /getid [hit and you will see all names and see flog's id and pm him like this, if ignoring clan tags will be added then what about this player [NISMO] he's trusted player and his name is written in brackets i think his name will be totally invisible XD but i saw your suggestion and i think maybe there should be a system like this /pm flog text and it will pm him, the current system is asking for the first few characters then it will pm to that guy and a system like this ^^ maybe it will be good ive seen many times same names i dont remember the exact name but lets take an example of burtons if there is a fan of burtons and his name is fanburtons then they both got same names then system should tell cant send pm 2 matches found and it will show its name and id like it shows in /getid then we can pm him easily.
    Last edited by Instant; 01-12-14, 02:33 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Instant View Post
      ill say -1 i know it little bit hard to get id of the guy with clan tag eg. i have to pm flogrils i cant /pm flog i have to type [hitman]flo then i will be able to pm him but there is another way /getid (type half name) /getid [hit and you will see all names and see flog's id and pm him like this, if ignoring clan tags will be added then what about this player [NISMO] he's trusted player and his name is written in brackets i think his name will be totally invisible XD but i saw your suggestion and i think maybe there should be a system like this /pm flog text and it will pm him, the current system is asking for the first few characters then it will pm to that guy and a system like this ^^ maybe it will be good ive seen many times same names i dont remember the exact name but lets take an example of burtons if there is a fan of burtons and his name is fanburtons then they both got same names then system should tell cant send pm 2 matches found and it will show its name and id like it shows in /getid then we can pm him easily.
      [NISMO] he's trusted player and his name is written in brackets i think his name will be totally invisible XD

      read the whole post. - or the nick itself is in brackets, or there are two names with different clan tags ( [faggot]putin [james]putin) it would just ask for the full name.

      if the name boesnt have [clan] in front of it, it would just funcion as it is now, would say there are 2 or more maches


      • #4
        Originally posted by fatlob View Post
        if the nick hasnt got a clan tag in front, or the nick itself is in brackets, or there are two names with different clan tags ( [faggot]putin [james]putin) it would just ask for the full name.
        ya sry this happenes to me many times when i visit forums on mobile i sometimes miss to see some texts and wasent able to read this clearly but i read the other post clearly, so you mean when we pm [ac]nick we have to type only /pm nick text to pm him because typing the whole name with clan tag [ac]nick is annoying, ya i understand thats why i said this:

        Originally posted by Instant View Post
        i saw your suggestion and i think maybe there should be a system like this /pm flog text and it will pm him, the current system is asking for the first few characters then it will pm to that guy and a system like this ^^ maybe it will be good ive seen many times same names i dont remember the exact name but lets take an example of burtons if there is a fan of burtons and his name is fanburtons then they both got same names then system should tell cant send pm 2 matches found and it will show its name and id like it shows in /getid
        means a system to send pm without typing only first few characters,the current system search from the starting point means from where the nick name starts, and what i said ^^ was just a system so that it can search full name from the front+between+back,if we wanna pm flogrils we have to type /pm [hitman]flogrils because this system search from starting point not middle and end means it starts searching nick name from [hit it dose not serach from middle and last (flogrils nick name is in middle but it starts from starting point, flogrils name is in middle it dose not serach from middle) means /pm flog text it will say no match found because it search from the starting and flogrils's nick name starts from [hitman] its not searching from middle and last thats why it is not finding flogrils name if it serach from the middle and last point we dont have to type /pm [hitman]flog we can type /pm flog the system will serach full name from starting + middle and end, and it will found this nickname flogrils in the middle and when it founds its name it will send him pm.

        means a system that serach full name /pm flog = this system will search from starting point it will find [hitman] in starting point then it will starts searching from middle and it will find flogrils so means my pm will go to him. I Hope you understand.

        searching full name will be more good than ignoring tags.
        Last edited by Instant; 01-12-14, 06:55 PM. Reason: editting


        • #5

          This is shit, dont listen to what he says. He clearly does not know what he is taking about. ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Plankton View Post
            This is shit, dont listen to what he says. He clearly does not know what he is taking about. ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
            lol, anyway doesnt need to arguing about that let admin decide if it really possible.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Instant View Post
              ya sry this happenes to me many times when i visit forums on mobile i sometimes miss to see some texts and wasent able to read this clearly but i read the other post clearly, so you mean when we pm [ac]nick we have to type only /pm nick text to pm him because typing the whole name with clan tag [ac]nick is annoying, ya i understand thats why i said this:

              means a system to send pm without typing only first few characters,the current system search from the starting point means from where the nick name starts, and what i said ^^ was just a system so that it can search full name from the front+between+back,if we wanna pm flogrils we have to type /pm [hitman]flogrils because this system search from starting point not middle and end means it starts searching nick name from [hit it dose not serach from middle and last (flogrils nick name is in middle but it starts from starting point, flogrils name is in middle it dose not serach from middle) means /pm flog text it will say no match found because it search from the starting and flogrils's nick name starts from [hitman] its not searching from middle and last thats why it is not finding flogrils name if it serach from the middle and last point we dont have to type /pm [hitman]flog we can type /pm flog the system will serach full name from starting + middle and end, and it will found this nickname flogrils in the middle and when it founds its name it will send him pm.

              means a system that serach full name /pm flog = this system will search from starting point it will find [hitman] in starting point then it will starts searching from middle and it will find flogrils so means my pm will go to him. I Hope you understand.

              searching full name will be more good than ignoring tags.

              my god,stop complicating things. just say if you are for or not (system ignoring clan tags). i , for one, am for this


              • #8
                Originally posted by tungki View Post
                lol, anyway doesnt need to arguing about that let admin decide if it really possible.
                i disagree, i think normal player opinions should be taken into account too.


                • #9
                  idk why are you getting that much engry, fatlob gave his suggestion i gave mine now its on admins what ever they like if they dont like these both then none of them will be selected, its on them,let admins decide


                  • #10
                    It's a -1from me. I don't think I'll miss those very few seconds I'll save by not having to type the clan tag or using /getid, but that's just my opinion.


                    • #11
                      You're just suggesting something complicated to be more complicated
                      First i want to ask you, how do this will work in case of names in the game:
                      ID NAME
                      1. [t]a
                      2. a
                      3. a[t]
                      4. [t]
                      5. [a]
                      6. [t]t
                      7. [a]a
                      8. [t]a[t]
                      9. [a]t[a]
                      10. [[t]]a
                      11. etc
                      Yes! They got same name and tag, but placed in different place.
                      And this is your idea (by ignoring one tag), how /pm will work:
                      1. a
                      2. a
                      3. a
                      4. t
                      5. a
                      6. t
                      7. a
                      8. a[t] or [t]a
                      9. [t]a or a[t]
                      10. []a
                      11. etc
                      Not saying that there wouldn't be people using same name like this, but it's all the possibilities, however if you wanted to /pm id 3 for example, id 1 would be likely prioritized instead. or either it shows many results (like in /getid). This also takes so many process and resource for the server to find players with entered nick (loop from 0 to max players), then check for every each character on their name that starts with [ and ends with ] without extra string. Because GamerX is not having enough clan feature, there still possible for these name at the same time ingame:

                      Trust me, using /getid is best idea. Sometimes lazyness can't be help as it's impossible or too complicated.
                      Even Google applications collect its data from most recent contact/mentioned to recommend and prioritize the right person for you, but also sometime you didn't mean the person, because only your brain knows what you want.
                      Last edited by Robo; 03-12-14, 07:36 AM.
                      KVIrc User


                      • #12
                        Just to make you sure that if your TAG is like [ATM]name and then you change your name to [atm]name or [aTM]name. you won't be considered in Clan chat anymore. It means that we are in a new clan.
                        Last edited by SpiderWeb; 03-12-14, 07:39 AM.
                        Need new haters, the old one started to love me!


                        • #13
                          I'm not sure if this 'ignore' thingy will even work and haven't seen anywhere in samp. But what I've seen is that the chat system detects the name or a part of the name you try to pm to. Doesn't have to be the beginning of a name. For example, people were able to pm me with /pm janes <text> , also /pm u_j worked aswell (Jobu_Janes_[GT]). Just a hint for the 'easier' messaging system.
                          However, I don't mind using /getid as it is now.

                          "Good drivers have dead flies on the side windows."(Walter Röhrl)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jobu_Janes View Post
                            I'm not sure if this 'ignore' thingy will even work and haven't seen anywhere in samp. But what I've seen is that the chat system detects the name or a part of the name you try to pm to. Doesn't have to be the beginning of a name. For example, people were able to pm me with /pm janes <text> , also /pm u_j worked aswell (Jobu_Janes_[GT]). Just a hint for the 'easier' messaging system.
                            However, I don't mind using /getid as it is now.
                            that gave me an idea what if it would functioned like /getid? if there would be more than 1 result it would just say there are more than 1 result? would it work or am i just stupid?


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