Do you have an idea for a race or/and event map that you think would be cool? Suggest it here in this topic and if we're impressed you will see it in game! 
Normal race or air race can be made with maximum time of 10 minutes and 99 checkpoints.
Event types that you can request to be made are: Derby/Sumo/Bloodring, Last Man Standing (LMS)/Hunger Games (HG), Capture The Flag (CTF), Siege (A/D), Death Match (DM)/Team Death Match (TDM).
To do so, please post here with the following example format:
Name: Delija
Vehicle: Infernus
Start: /GR10
Checkpoints: 20-30
Objects/Picture/Video: /LPOS DelijaRace
Event map
Event type: Last Man Standing (LMS)
Name: LastManStandingByDelija
Player Object Set(/LPOS): /LPOS DelijaLMS
Map Creator: Delija
Weapon(s): Deagle and Uzi
Weather(/MyWeather): None
Time(/MyTime): 21
You may also add extra note in your request.
* We expect good maps. Rubbish maps with bunch of fences around a territory will be ignored.
* If you build your maps in MTA:SA, remember that object limit for you is only 350! if there are more, they wont show.
* Maps for Fallout or Blast Survival cannot be made.
* Do not post here if you are not requesting, this thread is not for comment.
* If you are not the creator of the map (e.g. you downloaded it from somewhere and placed it in GamerX), DO NOT CLAIM IT AS YOURS, post the real original author/creator name.
* No duplicated maps, if there is already same existing map for same type, it will be denied.
* Only 4 weapons can be added. For Hunger Games, Gun game, Funny DM has no weapon option, so leave it blank.
For /duel map, please visit here:
For /race map, please visit here:

Normal race or air race can be made with maximum time of 10 minutes and 99 checkpoints.
Event types that you can request to be made are: Derby/Sumo/Bloodring, Last Man Standing (LMS)/Hunger Games (HG), Capture The Flag (CTF), Siege (A/D), Death Match (DM)/Team Death Match (TDM).
To do so, please post here with the following example format:
Name: Delija
Vehicle: Infernus
Start: /GR10
Checkpoints: 20-30
Objects/Picture/Video: /LPOS DelijaRace
Event map
Event type: Last Man Standing (LMS)
Name: LastManStandingByDelija
Player Object Set(/LPOS): /LPOS DelijaLMS
Map Creator: Delija
Weapon(s): Deagle and Uzi
Weather(/MyWeather): None
Time(/MyTime): 21
You may also add extra note in your request.
* We expect good maps. Rubbish maps with bunch of fences around a territory will be ignored.
* If you build your maps in MTA:SA, remember that object limit for you is only 350! if there are more, they wont show.
* Maps for Fallout or Blast Survival cannot be made.
* Do not post here if you are not requesting, this thread is not for comment.
* If you are not the creator of the map (e.g. you downloaded it from somewhere and placed it in GamerX), DO NOT CLAIM IT AS YOURS, post the real original author/creator name.
* No duplicated maps, if there is already same existing map for same type, it will be denied.
* Only 4 weapons can be added. For Hunger Games, Gun game, Funny DM has no weapon option, so leave it blank.
For /duel map, please visit here:
For /race map, please visit here: