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Type of event

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  • Type of event

    i'm suggesting a Robbing event .... robbers get on their vehicles go to the bank , explode the door and take the money and try to hold off the cops , take the money back to their hideout,
    so there would be three teams (robbers,bank workers(will have 2 guards in the bank) and the cops)
    the Bank workers would press the alarm and and the 2 guards will try to stop the robbers
    when the cops get there alert they will be on their way to the bank ..

  • #2
    I like payday 2 too.

    What you are suggesting requires a little bit of knowledge, and people won't simply /pe to understand the event, take for example CTF or Siege, some people doesn't know what they're doing, they just join because of the announcement.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Daémz View Post
      I like payday 2 too.

      What you are suggesting requires a little bit of knowledge, and people won't simply /pe to understand the event, take for example CTF or Siege, some people doesn't know what they're doing, they just join because of the announcement.
      well in that case they will see the dialog box of the event and also they can ask in chat what to do and they can get reply like /eh and they will see and understand what their role is so i think they will get a little bit problem in few times in that event but they will understand what to do and they will play by without any problem.

      I Like the idea it sounds awesome lol you won't believe when i was reading this suggestion it was like (Oh yea,yeeeeha,omg,wow awesome,woohoo) i really like the idea,good idea bro!


      • #4
        And what about the players who doesn't read chat? It's already hard to play an open siege or ctf alone, and if you try to explain how the event works in team chat, sometimes that guy doesn't understand english or your language.


        • #5
          so you're giving-1 this because you think it will be difficult for new players to know what to do in event, yea right but half, if we will always think about these, we will never get other types of events in GamerX because of difficulty,if a new player comes in GamerX today and he plays ctf ship event he will not know what to do in his first visit to event and had to ask or had to see by himself that "what i have to do in this event" by following other people and copy what ever they do and learn to play that event and after he knows that event if he goes at another event same ask or see so this same can be done for other events also.


          • #6
            well after reading this i found that the event you are suggesting is almost similar to event STP (steal the project). Also this event would be boring because the cops would have to wait till the alarm gets buzzer and if the guards would be newbies and newbies dont know how to buzzer the alarm then the cops would stay useless. so i dont think we need another event like this.

            Also i disagree with Daemz. Daemz you are only thinking about is newbies. you are not thinking about the regular players. Regular players know what to do in the events and they can get to know easily about new events. So, it does not matter how complicated any event is or how much knowledge it requires , If it is interesting then it should be there where it is required to be placed.


            • #7
              If you put it that way ok, I admit I was wrong, but you also have to admit there are players who regularly plays siege and still doesn't know what to do.


              • #8
                But Not all newbies will be on 1 team , (uuughh) and besides , the event i'm suggesting , people would like it , its like Single player when u had to rob the place with Catalina , and the cops were on you ....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kalifa22 View Post
                  But Not all newbies will be on 1 team , (uuughh) and besides , the event i'm suggesting , people would like it , its like Single player when u had to rob the place with Catalina , and the cops were on you ....
                  It's just like Chase event we used to have. The event wasn't really popular as many players were confused on what to do. In the end the cops were only trying to kill each other and the terrorists got away.


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