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NEW SUGGS =D ! |Abode999

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  • NEW SUGGS =D ! |Abode999

    1.Mobile ?? sometimes every body asks how to pay or give money (/givecash) okay i got idea for this and for some things of we create a mobile we can do a mobile prop and mobile shop ( in cookies or in money you choose =D ) and we can translate - calculator - transfer money - map(GPS ??) IT SO AMAZING (psst... can u add the mobile style is iphone6plus???)
    2.the ping fixer this suggestion is so so so important because some of players have so bad ping the fix is you need to make so much IP make ip from europe ip from france ip bla bla bla add so much ips connects to 1 server example the offical is the US use the ip europe and here we go ! the last seconds i saw a groups i really sit and guess why is no /groups in game just we do /cn [tag]name i have suggestion about this example i made group called "LOL" and so much players joined it from the browser when this players join the game make it auto add the tag and the group players can't hurt this group player =D
    4.i saw in MTA some of the servers example CIT SERVER is have a shaders and car shaders ! why we didn't do that !??---------------------------

    Thanks4Read Bro

  • #2
    Judging by your 4th suggested item you have been playing MTA too much before switching to SA-MP and thus were used to the features that MTA offer. I'm just going to leave a comment or two regarding your suggestion here.

    1st suggestion: It can actually be implemented but what's the use of it when there's main chat where people ask/answer everything there. Translate? well, unless you always want to stick your nose into other's business you shouldn't be concerned of what other people are saying unless they're mentioning your name in a language that you don't understand. Calculator? I failed to find a reason why we would need this. Transfer money? Well there's a /givecash command. Map(GPS)? Once again, why would you need another map/GPS when there's one already built-in to the game. Oh, you can also use /spec if you want to find someone around (psst... we let it you use it for free unlike other servers).

    2nd suggestion: GamerX EU, GamerX US, GamerX China, GamerX Russia, yeah let's make that happen. But hold on a sec, it's not as easy as you think it is especially with the "you need to make so much IP" part. First of all, you can't make an IP. Second, they cost money, the server and all. Why would add another expenses for something that you don't really need. Besides if GamerX were to be split to location-based servers like you suggested the player count will also be split into these servers. Say, you currently have 50 players in the server and then you split the servers into US, EU, and ASIA and players move to the server that is close to them, now each server would only have like 10-20 players what could we expect to happen next? players would eventually get bored and leave because there aren't many other players to play with and in the end the server will die because the lack of players. Picture this, what would you rather choose, a class with over 20 classmates or a class with only 5 classmates?

    3rd suggestion: First, if you're into them clan thingy then remember these exact words. GamerX has nothing to do with clan. So I doubt that this suggestion will be accepted but hey, there's a clan chat feature already. If you use the * symbol before typing your words (e.g.: *Hey clan!) the message will only be sent to those who are using the same clan tag as yours.

    4th suggestion: Shaders? what? I'm gonna assume that it's a post-fx mod that is built-in inside the MTA code. I've never tried playing MTA myself so I don't know. But if you really want it you could try the ENB mod and if you're still too lazy to Google it then let me Google that for you.

    Phew, it's been a while since I wrote a post this long.


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