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/hp suggestion

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  • /hp suggestion

    Hi guys,

    The last /hp events I was inside the server, and I drew a conclusion about it: There is always lot of chaos (excesive). When /hp is announced by an admin, there are like 20-40 peeps teleporting there, spawning cars, rockets, chainsaws, sprays, ... which results in people being annoyed and leaving /hp. Even with 3-4 admins trying to control it, with /disarm, with /jail, etc. it's hard to take control of those situations.

    My suggestion is making the /hp command similar to minigames.

    - Auto disarm people when joining /hp.
    - Avoid typing commands, like in minigames (only /kill). So people will not be able to spawn vehicles/weapons.
    - Maybe, sometime there will be some /hp that needs vehicles to pass it. Make then, a /togglephcommands (/tphc) available for admins, so they can enable/disable people from using commands in /hp (In other words, toggle the minigame-like mode for /hp)

    Other possibilities:

    - Godmode to all the /hp players (I see admin's using /healall everytime), so there are no deads because of falling down.
    - Typing /hp when in /hp event, teleports you to the HP start point. So, the only commands available would be /kill and /hp.

    See you in-game!
    Last edited by BlancoLanda; 22-11-15, 12:29 PM.
    Summary of my life:

  • #2
    I totally support the suggestion of auto-disarm when typing /hp, it's annoying as a hell new players and rule-breakers fighting in /hp or using chainsaw, as you said.

    But i don't agree the idea of avoid typing commands. Some HP's maps have a bunch of glasses, where to pass through it we have to use /bat or /dildo, and that trick with /stair2, where is a little difficult to get the direction without the use of /spray that allows we to spin without moving. And there the people that just give up of /hp and tele away. Also, it's easier to see players that use cars in /hp.

    The godmode in /hp is a good suggestion and I support too, but it's a problem too because two things:

    1- People tele away of /hp with godmode and go fight someone with the godmode on. Obviously, if there is a way to disable godmode when the people leave the /hp, it would be fine, but;
    2- Even without weapons, the players will, for sure, fight with the Fists, and everytime they punch someone, the admins will receive an alert that someone is fighting with godmode on, and with like +40 players in a goo fighting, it will be like a spam.


    • #3
      When a player typed /hp their weapon should be auto removed. Instead of admins needs to disarm in range when a player type /hp.

      No, Godmode isnt a good idea for hp as it can be abused and this God mode alert will spam on the admin's screen. Especially when that player who type /hp and go and punch at a player.
      Last edited by Nick; 22-11-15, 02:21 PM.
      PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

      <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


      • #4
        I don't support auto disarm (I got a different disarm idea) nor godmode.
        Disarm : Because the player will have to die to get it back or get it from ammunation. Instead the disarm should work like in the events. You do /hp, it's removed, you do /leave to leave hp world and spawns you back in the real world without death nor wasting money.

        Godmode : All said above, abusing. However if hp is set in another world then the abusing will be lowered and in fact no one will be able to abuse without doing /leave.

        So my idea being /hp is set in another world rather than the real world. Like my idea?
        Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
          Disarm : Because the player will have to die to get it back or get it from ammunation
          The players already get disarmed by admins, so I don't see difference


          • #6
            Originally posted by Northwest View Post
            The players already get disarmed by admins, so I don't see difference
            Holy shit i posted here when i was a noob. Yes it doesnt make a difference.
            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


            • #7
              You guys forgot one thing, suggest /shp 1 to enable those all.

              I don't understand why many people suggesting thing such as rule, protection, prevention, etc for HP, they forgot that GOO is a hidden pickup game, not a "race to the goo after you climb this weird placed stair and blocked by glass objects".
              KVIrc User


              • #8
                Originally posted by BlancoLanda View Post
                Hi guys,
                - Godmode to all the /hp players (I see admin's using /healall everytime), so there are no deads because of falling down.
                i agree with your all cmd but idea for adding godmode in hp is not good because when player fall they don't die because of godmode and they easily tele to another place or else. so, as per my decision don't add this cmd in hp plz.

                Originally posted by Robo_N1X View Post
                You guys forgot one thing, suggest /shp 1 to enable those all.

                EDIT = Suggestion of cmnds are..........
                For find who is using pobs within the range of hp is /fhppobs(FindHiddenPickupPobs), and for delete it /dhpcpobs(DeleteHiddenPickupCreatedPobs), and for on or off auto mode ON = /ehppobs(EnableHiddenPickupPobs),
                OFF = /dhppobs(DisableHiddenPickupPobs).

                used in previous threads
                Last edited by PeaceofIndia; 03-01-16, 05:48 AM. Reason: adding suggestion
                भाई में तो अच्छा हूँ ! और भाई तू बता?


                • #9
                  A simple suggestion , Making the map / hp from loading within a virtual world that is set to a minigame , and / MG3 there who teleport / hp would be at the same time in a minigame , typing / kill to leave or is making / hp an event or minigame


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