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  • Suggestions.

    I've noticed something that i think it should help somehow admins on their job about /hp. On every HP that admins load, they have to announce many times "NO VEH/POBS/CA/" or any thing else that i don't remember. My suggestion is: How would be if when a player types /hp on his screen should be shown these words "NO VEH/POBS/CA/". And something else i thought if was possible, when players teleport to HP they lose ability to spawn vehicle, create objects, and to use any animation. For this i though if was possible to make something like yellow-zone(it's just an example, admins can set it whatever thay want.), like red-zones around HP and if player leaves that yellow-zone he has ability to spawn vehicle, create objects, and to use any animation. I think this may help the job of admins and make it little easier for them.
    -Another suggestion was about clans, i thought if were some more commands about clans would be better. An example is to give cookie to your clan mates /gccm (or something else), that may work even for cakes, biscuits, and ice-creams. And another command would be only for the leader, ability to bring his clan members like /bcm (bring clan mates).
    These are my suggestions, i hope they'll be added in-game soon.

  • #2
    With your first suggestion I 100% agree +1
    With your second suggestion I agree however I don't think it'll be done because to make it work like when you try spawn rockets in rz, requires scripting
    Also we won't be able to do our jobs of reporting which I still need to do more of . But if management are ready to script it I'm down with it. But remember there's no specific yellow zone, they keep moving around from place to place.
    As for giving cookie to all clan mate - +1
    BUT for the bring, I disagree as a clan member maybe doing something important like working on objects, hanging out with friends etc.
    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


    • #3
      +1, Seems to be a great idea !


      • #4
        I agree with your first suggestion (And I already started a thread some weeks ago suggesting some of those things already)
        HPs are very popular nowadays and we admins have to do a hard effort for avoiding chaos there.

        About the second suggestion I'm neutral, but I totally disagree with the third one. I'd understand a /tgacm (/togglegotoallclanmembers) but not a bring command. As clan boss, you should not have more powers than your clan-mates. The bring command may be really annoying if the player is doing something at that moment, even we the admins try to use it as less as possible.
        Summary of my life:


        • #5
          +1 i agree ^^


          • #6
            Nice idea +1


            • #7
              First suggestion absolutely perfect (but I expect we can still use /spray - to spin without moving - and /bat - we need to break glasses sometimes).

              Second suggestion:
              I agree with more commands for clans like:

              /dtgc (Disable goto clan mates) - This could be useful if you are doing something important and don't wanna anyone near you

              /ocm (Online clan mates) - Check all players of your clan that are online (/getid clantag doesn't work if there is more than 5 players of clan online)

              But the bring command especially i disagree, reasons above.


              • #8
                Good Idea +1
                \(0.0)/ MaxSafy ~
                o.O.o Allen ~
                (~0.0)~ Robo_N1X


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Twitch View Post
                  I've noticed something that i think it should help somehow admins on their job about /hp. On every HP that admins load, they have to announce many times "NO VEH/POBS/CA/" or any thing else that i don't remember. My suggestion is: How would be if when a player types /hp on his screen should be shown these words "NO VEH/POBS/CA/". And something else i thought if was possible, when players teleport to HP they lose ability to spawn vehicle, create objects, and to use any animation. For this i though if was possible to make something like yellow-zone(it's just an example, admins can set it whatever thay want.), like red-zones around HP and if player leaves that yellow-zone he has ability to spawn vehicle, create objects, and to use any animation. I think this may help the job of admins and make it little easier for them.
                  I like your suggestion its nice

                  Originally posted by BlancoLanda View Post
                  I agree with your first suggestion (And I already started a thread some weeks ago suggesting some of those things already)
                  As Blanco said i also already started previous year a same topic, that is.......
                  again again and again
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