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Make cameras accessible.

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  • Make cameras accessible.


    i'm new here and i've noticed that you can't get a camera, I was wondering why since it's a pretty basic thing.

    Hope it gets added soon,

  • #2
    Well it was a feature for trusted players I think. But you are totally right I think we can give the right to normal players to get cameras. I will try to see with the server owner if it's possible to unlock this feature

    Thanks for your suggestion


    • #3
      Always a pleasure, i'm in love with this server and i would love to see it climb its way to the top


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thrid View Post
        Always a pleasure, i'm in love with this server and i would love to see it climb its way to the top
        Glad to hear that, we have thousands of commands and a lot of funny features, that's one of the reasons that I never left GamerX since 2008-9. The other reason is the nice community we have!

        Whenever you need help feel free to send me a private message on the forums/in-game/IRC. I'm glad to help you and it would be awesome to know more about you!

        Welcome !


        • #5
          Well, as we are in this topic, why players can't have IR and nightvision goggles?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Northwest View Post
            Well, as we are in this topic, why players can't have IR and nightvision goggles?
            If one player is using it the whole server will be annoyed. You can't use them only for yourself.


            • #7
              First jetpack, now Camera. Well ok, but they better be expensive xD


              • #8
                Originally posted by Beer View Post
                If one player is using it the whole server will be annoyed. You can't use them only for yourself.
                Ohh I got it, thanks!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Northwest View Post
                  Ohh I got it, thanks!
                  No wait, I don't understand why not a singular person cannot use those goggles without annoying others through coding and scripting?
                  Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                  • #10
                    He's right ... I agree with Thrid... screenshots do not go good :/


                    • #11
                      Sometime,F8 not working and need screenshot ingame..... I agree this!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                        No wait, I don't understand why not a singular person cannot use those goggles without annoying others through coding and scripting?
                        Well, I have to take my words back. I made some research on the internet and it is possible to show the vision only for the player who is using it.


                        • #13
                          If you,re making camera available so can we get a selfi command like in GTA v
                          If you do not like a rule follow it reach on top and change it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cpt.sana View Post
                            If you,re making camera available so can we get a selfi command like in GTA v
                            I don't think that's possible since it wasn't ever made by the developers of the game.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              No wait, I don't understand why not a singular person cannot use those goggles without annoying others through coding and scripting?
                              Because server does not fully control your player, but just know and sync it to other players. There are things which are client sided and server sided. Example is cookies and money, Money is client sided which is a feature of GTA:SA, cookies is server sided which is provided by the gamemode. You can hack your money by hacking your own client, but you can't hack your cookies, unless you are hacking the server. Between server and client share some information each other, but not full access because limited for security (e.g, server can't force your game quit or prevents you from quitting).

                              The reason why nightvision and camera is restricted because these are usually spawned by cheats, where normally you can't obtain it in an empty sa-mp server. For nightvision, it can also caused other players get annoyed because their screen also get affected.

                              Camera Night vision
                              Give 4 8
                              Get self 2 8
                              Use 2 3
                              Those are the levels that can give, get for themself, or use it without getting banned.

                              Camera perhaps can be made available for players as it is not annoying, it's just blocked because there are cheaters that usually spawn with this weapon, so limited to trusted player.
                              But not with night vision, not just because cheater usually spawn it, but also because it might annoy another player, so limited to high level admin.
                              SA:MP need to fix the bug with night vision or thermal goggles first, it's well have been said there is a way to fix it by scripting like Beer said, but it's not good. The method being used is to detect fire key when player is having night vision and then CANCEL the sync to other players (so other player sees the player not using nightvision), the reason why it's not good is it can be abused/has exploit, if player hold fire key when having night vision, they are likely walk around de-synced as long they hold the key.

                              By the way about camera, F8 is actually better as it saves in PNG format, instead of camera which saves as JPG where it's quality is more worse.

                              Perhaps, instead of camera weapon, why not just add scripted camera (so player can control their camera without having to use rocket aim). I know there is something called camhack, but could be good to have server's one... Flymode would really be awesome too! it was tested once and failed (as filterscript), but i'm sure it can be fixed/implemented to gamemode.
                              KVIrc User


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