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  • /FPS

    I will like to see a command like /fps to see how much frames per second do you have, or also /fps [ID] to see how much fps have an user.

  • #2
    There used to be feature like this, but it didn't work, so dev. team removed it.


    • #3
      I'd like it back +1
      Edit: Tbh you could use fraps and run it in the background with fps count on one of the corners on your screen...
      Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


      • #4
        Yes, but maybe some users would take a lot od memory run Fraps and SAMP at the same time.


        • #5
          with ENB Series, you can see your fps ,press *

          Note: Although the idea is good
          Last edited by Manuel[M4]; 25-01-16, 06:27 AM.


          • #6
            Any other opinions on this?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Domination View Post
              Any other opinions on this?
              Well it can come in handy and you won't need to download a program just to check for fps. I'll go with this one.
              PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

              <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cryless
                Nice idea, it would be better if it's also added as a 3D Text above your head or on the skin itself it won't be annoying to anyone and maybe the Ping amount too why not, when we fight someone we can check his ping/fps and it will explains many things such as when some players takes hardly hits due to their high ping or low fps but yes we can always use the 'Tab' key to check player ping.
                Such an A/D server looking tho, this is not a DM server where we need to see others PING and FPS. Maybe it can help on Events or while DM'ing (when u shoot someone it shows on his head his ping and FPS for 3 seconds and then disappear). Also I think that /fps command should be added so we can know some player FPS, like catch speed hackers on races and in DM, auto cbuggers as an example.


                • #9
                  +1 Nice idea.

                  /fps 3 > PlayerName(ID:3) haves 102 FPS.

                  This will do a lot to help with reporting. So administrators will know when someone is using autocbug or see when someone is too good with few fps.

                  Deja de sacar ideas de redzoun >:v!
                  Last edited by En3rGy; 14-02-17, 05:20 PM.
                  Los más buenos siempre caen primero.
                  Así que aprende a ser un hijo de puta de vez en cuando.


                  • #10
                    As other said it was added and removed since it was not working correctly, it was also just a work-around not a native way to get your frame rate, it was just calculating drunk level and we have drunk or high command which also can make the calculation wrong.
                    Client side fps counter works better than server-side. So stick with software for your fps counter.

                    Last edited by Robo; 15-02-17, 02:17 PM.
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