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Suggestion regarding clan

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  • Suggestion regarding clan

    I have seen a lot of players who are using clan tags of official clans without any permission as it is easily accessible to them with the name change command, and they wouldn't want to change the name back until an admin does it. So i was wondering if an invite system could be implemented so that only the clan leaders or co leaders could invite the player into the clan once they are accepted; with the help of a simple command like /claninvite [id], then the clan tag would be automatically added to the name of the player. It could help to keep the real members in the clan and forbid any unnecessary player from using the clan tag. Thanks!

    PS: Forum advanced search has been already done before posting the thread, i couldnt find any similar thread in the suggestions section so posted one myself.
    Last edited by Glator; 09-05-16, 02:30 PM.
    the 2 7 squad

  • #2
    This looks really cool so noobs who pretend to be in a person's clan would stop doing it. +1


    • #3
      Something else i want to add. There should be a command /clan and we should get differant option after that like (/clan invite, create, kick etc).. If we want to create a clan we should /clan create, after that we should asked for clan tag and clan name, for inviting we should /clan invite.. This will sent an invitation to a player to join your clan and clan tags should be automatically added with name.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Glator_ View Post
        I have seen a lot of players who are using clan tags of official clans without any permission as it is easily accessible to them with the name change command, and they wouldn't want to change the name back until an admin does it. So i was wondering if an invite system could be implemented so that only the clan leaders or co leaders could invite the player into the clan once they are accepted; with the help of a simple command like /claninvite [id], then the clan tag would be automatically added to the name of the player. It could help to keep the real members in the clan and forbid any unnecessary player from using the clan tag. Thanks!

        Yea this sounds good to me


        • #5
          I know a server that already has this idea. If by chance a player without permission put a tag of any clan, the system warns the admins and clan responsible that someone is trying to break into a clan, if the gamerx had a similar system already help enough +1


          • #6
            Yes, It would be really usefull. especially with the /clankick.

            “You’ve got enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something.” – Eminem


            • #7
              A clan system which is totally autonomous would kinda be a good adition. By autonomous I mean a system which doesn't require any admin to work perfectly.

              The thing is that it is already well known that "GamerX has nothing to do with clans"; therefore, I think a clan system that can work with full autonomy is not possible (and if it's possible it might be really hard). Just think about this, what if a clan is already created/registered but the members are totally inactive, then a person wants to use that same clan tag, he surely will have to ask an admin to "delete" that clan from the system so that this person can register it again and be the new "owner". There will be a need of a /delete clan command which will for sure be only for admins, and since "gamerx has nothing to do with clans" there we would have a contradiction.

              I, as an ex-management, wouldn't like to add more unnecessary tasks for admins. They already have enough with forum, reports, irc and in-game stuff. Those things are a priority for admins, and I don't think adding more and more admin duty would be good since it will make admins' work way too heavy and they deserve to have some free time to have fun in-game as well.

              If by chance a player without permission put a tag of any clan, the system warns the admins and clan responsible that someone is trying to break into a clan
              It would just be a tall order (in some cases even impossible) for admins to know all the information about clans. How could an admin know if that player actually had permission or not to join the clan (if the clan owner is no online)? As I said previously, I just think involving admins too much into clan stuff is not a good thing.
              I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


              • #8
                Originally posted by LorSimon View Post
                A clan system which is totally autonomous would kinda be a good adition. By autonomous I mean a system which doesn't require any admin to work perfectly.

                The thing is that it is already well known that "GamerX has nothing to do with clans"; therefore, I think a clan system that can work with full autonomy is not possible (and if it's possible it might be really hard). Just think about this, what if a clan is already created/registered but the members are totally inactive, then a person wants to use that same clan tag, he surely will have to ask an admin to "delete" that clan from the system so that this person can register it again and be the new "owner". There will be a need of a /delete clan command which will for sure be only for admins, and since "gamerx has nothing to do with clans" there we would have a contradiction.

                I, as an ex-management, wouldn't like to add more unnecessary tasks for admins. They already have enough with forum, reports, irc and in-game stuff. Those things are a priority for admins, and I don't think adding more and more admin duty would be good since it will make admins' work way too heavy and they deserve to have some free time to have fun in-game as well.
                Hello there, thanks for your opinion, I agree with you. But in this case i haven't talked about a full autonomous system, therefore just a script addition which checks the clan leader (that is obviously granted with leader permission with a command by an admin), that gives him ability to kick/invite players (with the help of a command). And avoids players from adding the name tag before/after their name when using /cn command, which means the player invited would have the name tag automatically added to the nick of the player once they accept the invitation. The goal i am talking about would be one and only avoiding any player who is not supposed to use the clan tag or isn't a clan member. So the clan tag would be within the clan members and we wouldn't have to argue with the newbie to remove the clan tag from their name. Thank you.
                Last edited by Glator; 10-05-16, 08:27 AM.
                the 2 7 squad


                • #9
                  Great Job!
                  It will prevent noobs to join clan without permissions
                  I always stand out,
                  So people can call me Outstanding..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Glator_ View Post
                    Hello there, thanks for your opinion, I agree with you. But in this case i haven't talked about a full autonomous system, therefore just a script addition which checks the clan leader (that is obviously granted with leader permission with a command by an admin), that gives him ability to kick/invite players (with the help of a command). And avoids players from adding the name tag before/after their name when using /cn command, which means the player invited would have the name tag automatically added to the nick of the player once they accept the invitation. The goal i am talking about would be one and only avoiding any player who is not supposed to use the clan tag or isn't a clan member. So the clan tag would be within the clan members and we wouldn't have to argue with the newbie to remove the clan tag from their name. Thank you.
                    Yeah, already knew what you meant. I think you didn't understand me well, I am actually the one saying that it would be nice if the clan system is totally autonomous (I already knew you didn't talk about autonomy).

                    What you're suggesting necessarily requires admins to make it work fine. Like I said previously, admins would be needed to remove old inactive clans from the system and some other tasks like the one you mentioned:
                    therefore just a script addition which checks the clan leader (that is obviously granted with leader permission with a command by an admin)
                    So, as I said in my last post, we would have a contradiction right there since it is already well known that "GamerX has nothing to do with clans". Which means admins won't intefere in these clan things.

                    If this suggestion is added, consequently this "Gamerx has nothing to do with clans" thing will have to change since now admins would actually be involved in clans stuff. And there we go again with the things I mentioned in my first post.
                    Last edited by LorSimon; 10-05-16, 07:48 PM.
                    I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


                    • #11
                      This is really nice idea . Actually someone was using our clan tag and spamming in clan chat I asked an admin to remove his tag he used tag without apply that admin says I won't involve myself with clan issues ... so at least add this clan invite system so don't need to beg admins to change player names


                      • #12
                        What if an annoying player uses the command on a random player to insert the clan tag to the other player's name? for example;
                        Player1 is an annoyer, he just made a clan named [GX], yet he invites a normal dude called Player2, a newbie or anything, the tag will be automatically added to their name without Player2's confirmation, when Player2[GX] leaves without knowing what happened to their name and rejoins with his original name he will realize that his stats are gone and sent to his new name with the clan, and so this Player1 does the same to the rest of newbie people.

                        Also, what if they invited a player and they successfully joined the clan, but with the tag at the first of his name (Ex: [GX]Player), if he wants to move it to Player[GX] the system will detect him as a non-member and prevent him from doing it, let's take M4 clan for example, they all do it at the end of their names.

                        What if the clan owner wants to get rid of a clan member and want to kick him but the player doesn't want to leave? Is there an available command for that?

                        We can say this system will get lot of bugs on its way, maybe unsolved bugs.

                        Also as mentioned earlier in Delija's post:
                        Originally posted by Delija View Post
                        GamerX has nothing to do with clans , so no we won't kick them and we won't change their names.
                        So admins will not involve themselves into clan troubles like LorSimon said.


                        • #13
                          +1 From me
                          a good suggestion
                          it will let clan leaders to kick and invite players into there clan
                          Good Job dude


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Blackbird View Post
                            What if an annoying player uses the command on a random player to insert the clan tag to the other player's name? for example;
                            Player1 is an annoyer, he just made a clan named [GX], yet he invites a normal dude called Player2, a newbie or anything, the tag will be automatically added to their name without Player2's confirmation, when Player2[GX] leaves without knowing what happened to their name and rejoins with his original name he will realize that his stats are gone and sent to his new name with the clan, and so this Player1 does the same to the rest of newbie people.
                            That is a really good point, so I was thinking how we could all approach this and I came up with the following idea. So lets take for example, [27]Persil_420 really wants [AC]Mike_seven to join his squad, [27]. So he sends an invite, so instead of the players name fully changing without [AC]Mike_seven's permission, he gets the following request:

                            Which he can accept or deny. If he accepts it, a code is made to scan the name of whom the request was sent to, to see if he has a pre-existing clan tag, so in this case, Mike has a tag [AC] that is removed and replaced with [27]. However if he declines it, then nothing changes. So I guess that would work, but only the clan owner will have the rights to invite. So like Glator_ said, the admin gives this particular player a status which has no benefits other than to send requests and a few others I will come to later.
                            Originally posted by Blackbird View Post
                            Also, what if they invited a player and they successfully joined the clan, but with the tag at the first of his name (Ex: [GX]Player), if he wants to move it to Player[GX] the system will detect him as a non-member and prevent him from doing it, let's take M4 clan for example, they all do it at the end of their names.
                            Well perhaps the command that the clan leader sends to the player they are inviting could be in the following format:
                            /claninvite [id] [Name]
                            so in this case, Persil sends an invite so Mike with the following:
                            /claninvite 43 Mike_seven[27]
                            but Mike doesn't like that so he PMs the leader to put the clan tag at the front, so Persil resends Mike with the following command:
                            /claninvite 43 [27]Mike_seven
                            This time he accepts it as he is happy with the name. A restriction to this could be that the name Persil writes down must have a name with 'HIS' clan tag in it, so if Persil tries doing this:
                            /claninvite 43 Fuccboi
                            It automatically will say "Sorry please enter a name which contains the tag <YOURTAG>"
                            Remember it can always be declined by the player who the invitation was sent to.
                            Originally posted by Blackbird View Post
                            What if the clan owner wants to get rid of a clan member and want to kick him but the player doesn't want to leave? Is there an available command for that?
                            Yes, /clankick id [LEADERSTAG]
                            If the tag is the same as the one in the leaders tag, it will be removed
                            If the clan tag is different as the one in the leaders tag, it will say "Unable to change player name as you don't own the tag"
                            Originally posted by Blackbird View Post
                            Also as mentioned earlier in Delija's post:
                            GamerX has nothing to do with clans , so no we won't kick them and we won't change their names.
                            So admins will not involve themselves into clan troubles like LorSimon said.
                            I think that quote is a huge misleading statement, because GamerX has got stuff to do with clans. If GamerX had nothing to do with clans, then there wouldn't be a clan board and a clan introduction section. It is more like:
                            "Admins have nothing to do with clans they aren't in, so no we won't kick them and we won't change their names."
                            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              That is a really good point, so I was thinking how we could all approach this and I came up with the following idea. So lets take for example, [27]Persil_420 really wants [AC]Mike_seven to join his squad, [27]. So he sends an invite, so instead of the players name fully changing without [AC]Mike_seven's permission, he gets the following request:

                              Which he can accept or deny. If he accepts it, a code is made to scan the name of whom the request was sent to, to see if he has a pre-existing clan tag, so in this case, Mike has a tag [AC] that is removed and replaced with [27]. However if he declines it, then nothing changes. So I guess that would work, but only the clan owner will have the rights to invite. So like Glator_ said, the admin gives this particular player a status which has no benefits other than to send requests and a few others I will come to later.
                              Yes, now I agree with you at this point, would be awesome if there is a command that toggles clan invitations as annoyers and spammers are poured all over this community, but as Delija said we (admins) shouldn't be involved in this, and we have no business to manage clans at anyway even though it's just about granting accesses we shouldn't manage clans.

                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              Well perhaps the command that the clan leader sends to the player they are inviting could be in the following format:
                              /claninvite [id] [Name]
                              so in this case, Persil sends an invite so Mike with the following:
                              /claninvite 43 Mike_seven[27]
                              but Mike doesn't like that so he PMs the leader to put the clan tag at the front, so Persil resends Mike with the following command:
                              /claninvite 43 [27]Mike_seven
                              This time he accepts it as he is happy with the name. A restriction to this could be that the name Persil writes down must have a name with 'HIS' clan tag in it, so if Persil tries doing this:
                              /claninvite 43 Fuccboi
                              It automatically will say "Sorry please enter a name which contains the tag <YOURTAG>"
                              Remember it can always be declined by the player who the invitation was sent to.
                              Well, what if a troll wants to annoy someone and invites him to a clan, I'll give some examples as the following so it's easy to understand;
                              1) Tr0LL is an annoyer, he invited Blackbird to his [GX] clan, but he typed /claninvite 43 ImGay[GX] and Blackbird accepts the request, Blackbird's name will be changed to ImGay[GX].

                              2) Tr0LL owns a clan called [GX] and he invites Blackbird to his clan, but he wanted Blackbird to be in troubles inviting him to another clan instead he does /claninvite 43 Blackbird[M4], Blackbird accepts it and here we go Blackbird joined M4 and he's in clan troubles.

                              It's so buggy though.

                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              Yes, /clankick id [LEADERSTAG]
                              If the tag is the same as the one in the leaders tag, it will be removed
                              If the clan tag is different as the one in the leaders tag, it will say "Unable to change player name as you don't own the tag"
                              It's quite bad that some clan leaders will kick their members without knowing themselves are kicked, when they will rejoin they will find themselves without stats.

                              Also how will the system work and set their name back to its default? Probably buggy.

                              Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                              I think that quote is a huge misleading statement, because GamerX has got stuff to do with clans. If GamerX had nothing to do with clans, then there wouldn't be a clan board and a clan introduction section. It is more like:
                              "Admins have nothing to do with clans they aren't in, so no we won't kick them and we won't change their names."
                              Said by a management we should follow what they said, I also don't know why admins should manage clans, it's none of our business our priority job is checking reports, helping and handling the server.

                              As I said earlier there is an expect to see an admin managing clans, not all of us are not caring (Yes, I, sometimes manage clans) or when the clan has an admin in it.

                              Clans are here just to create fun, and the board is here just to make it easy for clan leaders to control their OWN clan and for players to make applications instead of asking the clan owner in the server, and organizing the clan in threads such as members list and stuff, not to make it another priority task for admins.

                              Kinda disagree with this suggestion, the system feels so buggy.


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