I have seen a lot of players who are using clan tags of official clans without any permission as it is easily accessible to them with the name change command, and they wouldn't want to change the name back until an admin does it. So i was wondering if an invite system could be implemented so that only the clan leaders or co leaders could invite the player into the clan once they are accepted; with the help of a simple command like /claninvite [id], then the clan tag would be automatically added to the name of the player. It could help to keep the real members in the clan and forbid any unnecessary player from using the clan tag. Thanks!
PS: Forum advanced search has been already done before posting the thread, i couldnt find any similar thread in the suggestions section so posted one myself.
PS: Forum advanced search has been already done before posting the thread, i couldnt find any similar thread in the suggestions section so posted one myself.