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[GAMEMODE] Couple of Suggestions!

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  • [GAMEMODE] Couple of Suggestions!

    [GAMEMODE] Couple of Suggestions!

    1. /color variations
    Since we have only a few selected and plain dullsville colors listed in /color, I was thinking of giving players the prospect of selecting from an ample range. Best way to implement this kind of idea would be effectuating a system which allows players to select their color using a RGB code.

    For example players will type /color <Red50-255> <Green50-255> <Blue50-255> To select their color and it will be then saved to the database and will be loaded on every connect. The following picture has been taken from another server but it pretty much shows my idea.


    2. Segmenting sent/recieved cash amount.

    Consider the picture shown above due to the umpteen digits of 0, It is quite hard to ballpark the amount sent/recieved. I was thinking of a way to put comma's after every 3 numerals. In this way it would be very duck soup task to figure out how much money did I sent/recieved. For example the 10000000 in the above picture becomes 10,000,000$.


    3. Electing your own spawn location.

    So basically almost everyone who spawns and/or respawns in the GamerX server, he is spawned in the classic SF Hospital area which is a heaven for killers. So basically what this suggestion suggests is that we should have a command like /spawnpoint which would show us a limited areas of spawn-places probably the teleport to main cities and their airports. I'm supporting this idea because I don't like spawning everytime at the SF Hospital, it is borring and that place is no good for me. I don't like being killed all the time.


    4. /Race or /Duel Betting system.

    Pretty self-explanatory isn't it. So what basically this system is that, it allows people to use /bet <ID> <AMOUNT> on certain players who are in the duel. This betting command would work only in the first 10-15 seconds of the starting of the duel. The max amount shouldn't be higher than $50,000. For every successful bet, we get double our money.
    It would be a great way to earn money and at the same time to lost it.


    5. Successful hit sound.

    Hitting sound Suggestion, If you successfully hit/shoot a player, you will hear a 'ding' sound.


    “You’ve got enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something.” – Eminem

  • #2
    I like suggestions 1,2 and 4.
    About suggestion 3 you can change your spawn location each time you connect to the server by choosing it on every startup connect or when you want to change it while you already choosed it press F4 then type /k.
    About suggestion 5 it already exists and have a certain sounds to choose from /ths.
    "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

    Jason Giambi


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shifty View Post
      1. /color variations
      Since we have only a few selected and plain dullsville colors listed in /color, I was thinking of giving players the prospect of selecting from an ample range. Best way to implement this kind of idea would be effectuating a system which allows players to select their color using a RGB code.

      For example players will type /color <Red50-255> <Green50-255> <Blue50-255> To select their color and it will be then saved to the database and will be loaded on every connect. The following picture has been taken from another server but it pretty much shows my idea.
      I don't agree with this suggestion as there are some people could abuse it, a level 0 or 1 noob can set his color similar to yellow acting like he's admin, or to green tp color which is available only for trusted players and admins.

      Originally posted by Shifty View Post
      3. Electing your own spawn location.

      So basically almost everyone who spawns and/or respawns in the GamerX server, he is spawned in the classic SF Hospital area which is a heaven for killers. So basically what this suggestion suggests is that we should have a command like /spawnpoint which would show us a limited areas of spawn-places probably the teleport to main cities and their airports. I'm supporting this idea because I don't like spawning everytime at the SF Hospital, it is borring and that place is no good for me. I don't like being killed all the time.
      Similar to a trusted player feature; /ssl

      Originally posted by Shifty View Post
      4. /Race or /Duel Betting system.

      Pretty self-explanatory isn't it. So what basically this system is that, it allows people to use /bet <ID> <AMOUNT> on certain players who are in the duel. This betting command would work only in the first 10-15 seconds of the starting of the duel. The max amount shouldn't be higher than $50,000. For every successful bet, we get double our money.
      It would be a great way to earn money and at the same time to lost it.
      Already suggested before:

      Originally posted by Shifty View Post
      5. Successful hit sound.

      Hitting sound Suggestion, If you successfully hit/shoot a player, you will hear a 'ding' sound.
      Already exists, /ths


      • #4
        All these suggestion seem to be good! about 4th suggestion, it was already suggested many times before. and as Dodo said.. you can enable hit sound by doing /ths ig.
        You will have some different hit sound options, not only ding.
        Last edited by Toffee; 26-05-16, 06:17 PM.


        • #5
          1. Nothing against this, but somehow I think it's better to have a limited amount of colors because in this way every color feels more "special". When you have a really big and custom range of colors, it's like the nickcolors lose its value. Just like what is happening right now with the money, as you can easily get a lot, later you won't care about it anymore. Therefore, I kinda think if this is added, the green TP color and the admin color will lose its value and won't feel that special anymore.

          2. This suggestion would be really useful but it was already suggested by mousytom in admin suggestions section. It didn't get added, no idea why but I think it should be added if it's possible.

          3. TP's already have something similar, we can choose any place as spawn point. However, I don't think it's nice to add to many spawn points since it will make the server look so empty. On the contrary, I think there should be less spawn points since it attracts more players to the server when you see there are a lot of people.

          4. Already suggested a lot and never got implemented, don't ask me why.

          5. Yeah, it already exists.

          Edit: I hadn't read the previous answers so forgive me if I repeated something.
          Last edited by LorSimon; 26-05-16, 06:12 PM.
          I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


          • #6
            3. I support you for this one.

            4. Nice shit!

            5. No, you can see the health going down there's no point of a dingling sound cause it wouldn't make much of a difference.


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