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Suggestions about rules.

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  • Suggestions about rules.

    Well I suggest you people before reading this thread take a quick look to rules >
    1.First thing is about /ca command when someone wants to kill you with knife, However it's death evading but most of players don't know anything about that, Also I wanted to kill an admin in the event with knife and he just entered a command to evade death, /ca is not working in minigames but anyway he evade death. Also I asked admins about /ca command one of them says don't use it in red areas other says it's allowed if you aren't in fight ...
    So it will be good to ad a rule for this command.

    2.Second is killing people is allowed in roadtrips or not ? there is no rules about this in /rules and forum rules. And I saw many players use /rocket in roadtrip and trying to annoy others and we don't know what we have to do use /report on them or not ? I think we need a rule here .

    3.Third thing is killing a trusted player which is using godmode, If you take a look to rules it just says don't kill Admins when they enabled godmode, When trusted players trying to put a p-goo and announce it some annoyer guys trying to kill them with a knife or chainsaw ...

    4.Forth thing is when you type /ssb in game this sentence appears > * Note: Speed boost is not to be used to annoy players, you may be kicked or punished if you abuse it.
    Now using speed boost not allowed in red zones. However I won't forget I got jailed at 2014 by cashewz for ramming in /ga ;-; . I think if managements fix this rules GamerX would be better.

    5.I forgot to say we need a rule about pobs > Don't shoot anyone during you using player objects, This excluding holding objects. I saw some massive rule breakers using /stair and using to kill others with sniper. Actually there's a rule who says don't use pobs to evade death, But nothing says don't shoot others when you using pobs.
    Last edited by Queen; 28-05-16, 11:01 AM. Reason: 5 Added .

  • #2
    Same happend with me, using weapon bugs in rz but on walls xD and the rule was sucessfully fixed. About rockting in /rt. There's a rule (/rules, ig). Which says do not ruin an event started by tp's and admins (like rockting in it), So that rule is clear. About /ca i think it's allowed if you were not in a fight.
    Last edited by Toffee; 27-05-16, 08:55 PM.


    • #3
      3.5 Do not use ANY commands to avoid death during a fight.
      The rule is clear enough, I don't think that it's necessary to add the /ca thingy. If the rule says do not use ANY COMMAND to avoid death, it's pretty obvious that /ca is included there as well. If your main point is "many players don't know it", well, that's why we have admins, they are meant to let the players know about these stuff. It's not really needed to create a new rule for everything, there are already too many rules.

      I don't know why that admin told you that it's not allowed in red zone, but he's wrong. Of course you can use /ca in red zones or anywhere lol... You can use it as much as you want as long as you don't try to evade death by using the command.

      About an admin using it in events to avoid death, that's not allowed, you should report him.

      2. Yes, killing people in RT is allowed. We already discussed about it in the past, and it was decided that there won't be a rule for that.

      3. Well, it's just impossible for them to know if you're placing a goo or not (unless you let them know). If he is killing you after the goo was made, you can report him for annoying in goos. Again, I don't think there is a need on creating that rule. It only applies for admins because sometimes they are doing "important" stuff (like checking cash hackers by /tr) so it's not nice to annoy them. However, if we're honest, that's only the 1% of the time. The other 99% of the time admins aren't really doing something important when they have GM enabled further than talking and playing like normal players (I can tell by own experience).

      4. That rule hasn't changed. Annoying with speed boost is still not allowed at all (I already discussed about it as well with stefan) and it was also decided that it won't change. I think you're confused because the /nsb command says "in red zones". That's just a mistake, it is meant to be anywhere.

      Well, I think I already left it clear. I hope you're still not confused about those rules.
      Last edited by LorSimon; 27-05-16, 10:40 PM.
      I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Queen View Post
        3.Third thing is killing a trusted player which is using godmode, If you take a look to rules it just says don't kill Admins when they enabled godmode, When trusted players trying to put a p-goo and announce it some annoyer guys trying to kill them with a knife or chainsaw ...
        this is to very important to me... XD is a good idea, We hope owns accept these changes...


        • #5
          Originally posted by LorSimon View Post

          The rule is clear enough, I don't think that it's necessary to add the /ca thingy. If the rule says do not use ANY COMMAND to avoid death, it's pretty obvious that /ca is included there as well. If your main point is "many players don't know it", well, that's why we have admins, they are meant to let the players know about these stuff. It's not really needed to create a new rule for everything, there are already too many rules.

          I don't know why that admin told you that it's not allowed in red zone, but he's wrong. Of course you can use /ca in red zones or anywhere lol... You can use it as much as you want as long as you don't try to evade death by using the command.

          About an admin using it in events to avoid death, that's not allowed, you should report him.

          2. Yes, killing people in RT is allowed. We already discussed about it in the past, and it was decided that there won't be a rule for that.

          3. Well, it's just impossible for them to know if you're placing a goo or not (unless you let them know). If he is killing you after the goo was made, you can report him for annoying in goos. Again, I don't think there is a need on creating that rule. It only applies for admins because sometimes they are doing "important" stuff (like checking cash hackers by /tr) so it's not nice to annoy them. However, if we're honest, that's only the 1% of the time. The other 99% of the time admins aren't really doing something important when they have GM enabled further than talking and playing like normal players (I can tell by own experience).

          4. That rule hasn't changed. Annoying with speed boost is still not allowed at all (I already discussed about it as well with stefan) and it was also decided that it won't change. I think you're confused because the /nsb command says "in red zones". That's just a mistake, it is meant to be anywhere.

          Well, I think I already left it clear. I hope you're still not confused about those rules.
          Well I'm not trying gross on Admins because I'm not looking for enemy. c:

          1.I think I deserve to be confuse now ... At least managements should inform Admins about /ca if admins breaking rules why players don't ??

          2.I got jailed by an admin for killing in /rt. pff inform admins x2.

          3.Pretty much agree with you, But if this feature allowed for tps there must be a rule about it, Otherwise remove /gm command for them.

          4.I'm confused about this because I get annoyed by someone in /ga and I report him for abusing speed boost, I just received a pm from an admin : It's allowed since he's using it out of spawn areas. Inform Admins x3 c: .


          • #6
            1- It is a good suggestion , because while rt there is players using rockets and annoy the players with the rocket and they dont back to RT again

            2- about making a rule in /rules about dont shoot players while creating objects it is a good too , because while creating objects the player need to have godmode , but if there isn't admin online and that happens at time as 2:00 PM with timezone GMT+2

            Thanks , Virus


            • #7
              Originally posted by Queen View Post
              Well I'm not trying gross on Admins because I'm not looking for enemy. c:
              I don't get what's your point with this, but I guess you're talking about the reporting admin thing.

              If you're not trying to "gross" on admins (seems reporting is "grossing" for you), then why do you mention here that he/she evaded death? that information was kinda irrelevant. If you see an admin breaking rules on purpose then you should let him know or report him instead. It's not about "getting enemies"... If you're afraid of reporting admins, you could talk with some management in private and tell him to keep you as anonymous.

              1.I think I deserve to be confuse now ... At least managements should inform Admins about /ca if admins breaking rules why players don't ??
              Stuff like these happen the whole time. It's not really anyone's fault. Sometimes you understand something and another person understands the contrary. There have always been a lot of confusion regarding some rules, even among admins. When I was admin I also started a bunch of threads to discuss about lots of rules which were always confusing for admins (like the spawnkilling one).

              The attitude of "if admins break rules, why players don't" is not the right thing to do. As I said, if you see any admin breaking rules, you should let him know about it. Maybe he was confused and didn't do it on purpuse. In case he's doing it on purpose then go ahead and report him.

              3.Pretty much agree with you, But if this feature allowed for tps there must be a rule about it, Otherwise remove /gm command for them.
              Nah, more rules = more jails = more ragequits = less players. It's not the end of the world if some player killed you while your God Mode was ON... This is just more unnecessary work for admins and an unnecessary rule. As I said before, there are already too many rules. At this point only really needed things should be added. Otherwise, the rules thread will look like a bible...

              About the rest of the stuff you mention, it's not the rules fault. Those were just some confused admins, but the rules are fine. And as I said, it's a pretty common thing since we have got a looot of rules. Some times you forget about them and sometimes you're just confused. In this case, it's managements' responsability to do something about it (like a post to remind admins how those rules work and clarify everything) but from my point of view there is not really a necessity on creating more unnecessary rules (maybe the only one that should be discussed is the /rt one).

              Originally posted by Virus[M4] View Post

              2- about making a rule in /rules about dont shoot players while creating objects it is a good too , because while creating objects the player need to have godmode , but if there isn't admin online and that happens at time as 2:00 PM with timezone GMT+2
              I remember there was a rule about not annoying players while they're building but seems it's not there anymore. However, I think it's better just to ask an admin to set your virtual world if you're planning to build, instead of creating this rule again since new players just can't know if you're building or not.
              I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


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