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Gift weapon

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  • Gift weapon

    I suggested that we do command to give weapon to other player like.

    /giftweapon id-player
    And I think that will be one asked me how I will identify the weapon, which I will send

    Answer: The weapon, which carries
    Last edited by NeuroX; 01-06-16, 04:02 AM.

  • #2
    So you mean you giving any weapons you are carrying to a player as a gift? Also, most players don't know any weapon ids so the command should let them type the name of the weapon.
    PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

    <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nick View Post
      So you mean you giving any weapons you are carrying to a player as a gift? Also, most players don't know any weapon ids so the command should let them type the name of the weapon.
      A better idea that when typing /giveweapon opens a dialog with all the player's weapons and he choose the weapon to give and ammo then get asked for the ID he type it.
      Another idea is the weapon that the player want to give be in his hand and he do /giveweapon <ID> <Amount>. Good ideas right ?
      "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

      Jason Giambi


      • #4
        Guys i mean the Weapon wich you carry send to him you don't need to Know id
        Example : Now i'm carrying sawn-off shogun and Dodo near me Type /giftweapon Dodo The sawn-off Send to dodo


        • #5
          Making a dialog asking for weapon names/ids would be faster than scrolling and there should be a /weaponids command that will display a dialog with a list of weapons with the ids next to them instead of them going on the internet searching for the ids.
          PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

          <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


          • #6
            I would not agree to this one, GamerX is not a roleplay server and it's kinda useless!


            • #7
              I wouldn't call it useless to be honest. It does hold some value, I see players regularly asking how they could give someone else a weapon. I also think this has previously been suggested but didn't get much attention. I'd like this in the server just as an extra cool feature. Why not? When there's stuff like '/givecash id amount' which could also be considered roleplay, why not a '/giveweapon id weapon amount'?
              Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


              • #8
                I don't think we are in need of such a command.

                As money doesn't really has sense in gamerx you can spend it on weapons in the /ammo shop for "free". Also you can ask an admin to give any weapon for everyone and I am pretty sure that no admin will refuse your wish, except you ask too often for heavier weapons like minigun or rocket

                It's not like we don't have enough ammo or weapons in the server to bring in such a command.
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


                • #9
                  Money really doesn't have much significnce in GamerX but that is for us. For newbies we always catch them asking questions like 'hey how do I get money?' etc. Money matters to them and they don't want to lose it, I can tell because I have a few noob friends in real life who are so frugal in gx with what they spend their stuff on. Moreover what if there is no admin ingame as I am aware the latin hours do not have much admins if any on. Like I said it's just an extra cool feature similar to many other ones which I could also say isn't needed.
                  Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                  • #10
                    I got your point Eliteus. But nothing is for free and if a new player wants new weapons he has to invest something in that. Eventho they want more and more money. By that we would completely loose the sense of money
                    * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
                    * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


                    • #11
                      Not Bad Suggestion , But we don't need it since that the player when he spawn already spawn with weapons and if he need a extra weapons as ( deagle , M4 , etc... ) he can spawn with it using cookies , And our players don't know Weapons ID's so it is unless command
                      We may add this command if it is a CNR Server , RP Server


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Left View Post
                        I don't think we are in need of such a command.

                        As money doesn't really has sense in gamerx you can spend it on weapons in the /ammo shop for "free". Also you can ask an admin to give any weapon for everyone and I am pretty sure that no admin will refuse your wish, except you ask too often for heavier weapons like minigun or rocket

                        It's not like we don't have enough ammo or weapons in the server to bring in such a command.
                        Hello,left You said They can buy It from ammo Right? And I said it gift Weapon

                        Note: Guys I'm not said in suggestion He must know weapons Id I said the weapon wich you carry send to Him.
                        Example :
                        /giftweapon Idor nameplayer
                        Last edited by Toxic_Ro; 01-06-16, 04:08 PM. Reason: Added the double post contents here


                        • #13
                          It may also create problems for admins to check a hacker who uses hacks to spwan ammo. i know admins can check it via logs if someone has given weapon to anyone or not. but still, i dont like this suggestion.


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