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Anit-spam improvement

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  • Anit-spam improvement

    I have a slight improvement for the anti-spam system in the server. Here is a problem that occured to me the other day, which I am sure is a very common problem:
    1. I sent a PM to a player, but I entered the wrong ID.
    2. I entered in the same message with the up arrow key, but amended the ID.
    3. The server told me to stop repeating myself (although I was sending the message to a different player).

    So... maybe we should modify the anti-spam so that when you're sending a Private Message to another player, the "stop repeating yourself" message only appears if you send the same message to the SAME PLAYER, and if it's an identical message but to a different player, allow it and assume it's a correction to a previously wrong ID entered.

  • #2
    I really don't think its needed, its not problem to press "space" and once again send messege
    Last edited by Tinaa; 05-06-16, 09:45 PM.


    • #3
      YES just change the id and press space
      It wouldn't take too long
      I always stand out,
      So people can call me Outstanding..


      • #4
        I understand that it's not really a necessary change, and it is easy to bypass by adding a space to the beginning/end of the message as you said, but I still see it as an improvement, and any improvement is better than none in my opinion. Of course, this is a very minor change, and if implemented, should be put on the "low priority" of changes to make.


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