Today,I will give 2 suggestions
1- /uipm suggestion
One or more player's PM can be ignore by /ipm id
but we can't unignore his PMs again we have to rejoin to do it
so i am suggesting /uipm id to unignore the PMs instead of rejoin
2- /ssmg (Set Spawn MiniGames) suggestion
we play minigames ( e.g /de3 /mg3 etc) when we died in minigame we have to write CMD again to spawn again in minigame so i am suggesting /ssgm command to direct spawn in minigame after we died in minigame
Regards, MaxSafy
Today,I will give 2 suggestions
1- /uipm suggestion
One or more player's PM can be ignore by /ipm id
but we can't unignore his PMs again we have to rejoin to do it
so i am suggesting /uipm id to unignore the PMs instead of rejoin
2- /ssmg (Set Spawn MiniGames) suggestion
we play minigames ( e.g /de3 /mg3 etc) when we died in minigame we have to write CMD again to spawn again in minigame so i am suggesting /ssgm command to direct spawn in minigame after we died in minigame
Regards, MaxSafy
