/replacePlayerObject <id> <another object id eg:19378> <x y z value>
this command could be used to add another object to the preferred position (not /dupo)
Example how this command will work:

here we have an object, now i want to replace it with another object (eg:19378) but in the same postion.
i will type /repalceplayerobject <1> <19378> <x y z (leave 0 to add object at the same pos)>

now i have the object at the same pos with the previous one.
in conlusion, this command works the same way with /dupo but instead of the same object, it adds different object.
this command could be used to add another object to the preferred position (not /dupo)
Example how this command will work:

here we have an object, now i want to replace it with another object (eg:19378) but in the same postion.
i will type /repalceplayerobject <1> <19378> <x y z (leave 0 to add object at the same pos)>

now i have the object at the same pos with the previous one.
in conlusion, this command works the same way with /dupo but instead of the same object, it adds different object.