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3D Text Label Suggestion

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  • 3D Text Label Suggestion

    Why this, gamex system make are Label's to bee in color.
    That would, bee a lot better.

  • #2
    Admins usually have Yellow 3D text label and TPs have that iconic green 3D text label, Level 1 users have Grey colored 3D text label. I believe this is perfect color combination for all, if you're sick of grey colored you can apply for TP and get a better colored label. It is better to have only 1 color for level 1's and a different color for higher ranks. In this way achieving those higher ranks would feel more special to all and they'll probably become a good player in order to become a TP. 3D text labels will probably lose its charm and value if we get more colors. If we get more colors on level 1, the colors for TP and admin 3D labels would lose its charm. So I don't see any good reason to support this.

    “You’ve got enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something.” – Eminem


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shifty View Post
      Admins usually have Yellow 3D text label and TPs have that iconic green 3D text label, Level 1 users have Grey colored 3D text label. I believe this is perfect color combination for all, if you're sick of grey colored you can apply for TP and get a better colored label. It is better to have only 1 color for level 1's and a different color for higher ranks. In this way achieving those higher ranks would feel more special to all and they'll probably become a good player in order to become a TP. 3D text labels will probably lose its charm and value if we get more colors. If we get more colors on level 1, the colors for TP and admin 3D labels would lose its charm. So I don't see any good reason to support this.
      Agree with shifty no need of that, if you want green label or yellow be a tp/admin. Thats it..


      • #4
        No i am, just saying guys it would bee a lot cooler. With the 3D Text Label in color. And me for TP, I am not ready good enogh or i am sure if i post the APP, delja would probobly just rejected me, beacuse of my bann 2 months agoo.. for beeing rude on my own leaunge.
        Delija woldn't ever give me a chance.. :/ I did change'd delija if you see this mssg. i hope he will forgive me..


        • #5
          Originally posted by OsmanX View Post
          No i am, just saying guys it would bee a lot cooler. With the 3D Text Label in color. And me for TP, I am not ready good enogh or i am sure if i post the APP, delja would probobly just rejected me, beacuse of my bann 2 months agoo.. for beeing rude on my own leaunge.
          Delija woldn't ever give me a chance.. :/ I did change'd delija if you see this mssg. i hope he will forgive me..
          Everyone get's a chance here. Just try to be helpful in-game, forums and irc. When you feel ready for it, apply.


          • #6
            Originally posted by OsmanX View Post
            No i am, just saying guys it would bee a lot cooler. With the 3D Text Label in color. And me for TP, I am not ready good enogh or i am sure if i post the APP, delja would probobly just rejected me, beacuse of my bann 2 months agoo.. for beeing rude on my own leaunge.
            Delija woldn't ever give me a chance.. :/ I did change'd delija if you see this mssg. i hope he will forgive me..
            The 3d text label already have colors. level 1 - white, level 2 - green and level 3 and higher - yellow. Don't worry about what you did earlier, just try to change; try to avoid insulting players, especially in your own language and help players. Everyone here do get a chance.
            PastorRichads: /q for Liberating yourself from the chains and bounds of this Virtual Nightmare

            <@GX-07> [14] Legend27: nick is indonessian


            • #7
              At 2012 you were able to change the 3d label color :3 since it caused bugs they removed this feature.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Queen View Post
                At 2012 you were able to change the 3d label color :3 since it caused bugs they removed this feature.
                Can't remember we ever had that.. the colors were always the same..
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
                * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Left View Post
                  Can't remember we ever had that.. the colors were always the same..
                  I do remember sml being colored once, perhaps a bug with adding codes in sml texts i guess.


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