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CNR Suggestion

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  • CNR Suggestion

    why dont you guys set up
    Cops 'N' Robbers MiniGame

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  • #2
    I really like that idea It would bring more choices on what do on the server. And more fun I guess =)


    • #3
      I don't think it is a good suggestion, for the following reasons;

      - I don't think it would fit well with GamerX

      - Getting money in GamerX is really easy(and useless), so no one would bother robbing places and there would be absolutely no point in police officers to arrest robbers, as they wouldn't get any reward. (Don't say they could get score, because the thing is, Score = Kills and it's been like that since forever, even though there were a bunch of suggestions about it)

      Also, teams would end up unbalanced, that if the CNR function is even used at all...

      GamerX Granny


      • #4
        But its a MiniGame , it wont make GamerX a Cops N Robbers server it will be desame just it will have that minigame ex. command "/cnr join"

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        • #5
          Ow yea look to me a good idea. I've was thinking about it to.
          But then with a screen were you select for Freeroam or cnr.


          • #6
            Gamerx do not take ideas from other servers
            Last edited by Eclipsor; 29-01-14, 04:12 PM.


            • #7
              i don't like Cops And Robbers


              • #8
                Originally posted by Eclipsor View Post
                Gamerx do not take ideas from other servers
                Cops N' Robbers is not a unique gamemode in which only one server use it. It's just like Roleplay or Capture the Flag. So adding Cops N' Robbers is not actually copying another server.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackid View Post
                  Cops N' Robbers is not a unique gamemode in which only one server use it. It's just like Roleplay or Capture the Flag. So adding Cops N' Robbers is not actually copying another server.
                  Then if anybody wants to play CnR or RP go to this kind of servers, this is FreeRoam


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Eclipsor View Post
                    Then if anybody wants to play CnR or RP go to this kind of servers, this is FreeRoam
                    Don't be so rude. ^^
                    Players are free to give their suggestions if they want , if they like CNR so i don't see any problem about this suggestion.
                    Nevertheless, i don't think CNR would fix here, Why? In my opinion GamerX players are not so involved with a gameplay with such a big objetive as CNR is.
                    As i see, they all just like to kill,racing and freeroam.
                    But, i don't find a bad idea to make CNR as just a short event.
                    So in my view, CNR as an event would be like Siege event, just a team deathmatch with some objectives and vehicles as well.


                    • #11
                      Ok guys
                      Thanks anyway C-ya

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