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A few, easy suggestions.

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  • A few, easy suggestions.


    Here are a few easy suggestions from the top of my head, that would be useful if implemented:

    /dmv: Allows the player to destroy their dynamically spawned vehicle (/car, /v1-/v17, /nrg).

    /elpo: Edits the last player object (since we already have /glpo, /dlpo, etc).

    /dwp: Disables the weapon pickups for you only. For example, if you're fighting someone, you might not want to pickup their weapons since you want to keep yours.

    Thanks for reading.

    Playing since 2009.

  • #2
    About /dmv , your vehicle will be destroyed automatically after a few seconds of getting out of it, or when you spawn another vehicle.
    About /elpo , i guess /epo is good enough to help you.
    About /dwp , in my opinion it's needed as sometimes we don't want to pick those guns up.


    • #3
      As Taz said, /dmv is not needed cuz it gets destroyed after sometime and if you spawn another vehicle. /elpo is also not needed you can use /epo. /epo is much easier then /elpo. /dwp I think, Admins already got a command to disable those weapon pickups. They can disable the pickups for everyone but I don't know if there is a command for a specific person/player so I am going to support the last command.


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