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/Tour Advice

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  • /Tour Advice

    It's been obsereved that New Commers in Gx are not taking tour before playing the game. Moreover, to many players it's told in to take tour. Which does't look good. Conclusion: It's been suggested that auto tour should be enabled for new players which in my opinion is going to work Well..
    That was just my opinion!

  • #2
    Na, sometimes I join some new servers and they give tour of their server for like 10-15 minutes which is pretty annoying and I just leave their servers :x. So a dialg box showing, "would you like to take a tour", Will be good.


    • #3
      Lol.. your excuses brought about laugh at my mouth...
      Dude I have played in other servers too and tours in those servers take long time to end up.... But tour of Gx is shorter as compared which as consequently wont take up much time.....
      In addition, tour consitutes basics of the server which if players if wont take in this case makes it harder for players to know the basics of the Gx.


      • #4
        Well, suppose you are a old player and re join with a new nickname, you knew all the rules right and that will be extreemly annoying to wait and watch that tour till it ends as you already know that things so its fine how it is, if someone want's to watch it just /tour and all good!

        if a {Dailog} box thing will be there it will be good but sometimes some people don't know english they just click it! and when they see that this thing does't getting end so they just left the server and sometime they don't even come i don't want that to be happend so its fine how it is
        an old player is most likely to know there is /stoptour command and for new players they are automatically notified to use /stoptour to stop the tour.

        i like this idea, whoever wanted a brief detail will automatically be put on tour and who dislikes the tour period can always /stoptour.
        the 2 7 squad


        • #5
          Originally posted by Glator View Post
          an old player is most likely to know there is /stoptour command and for new players they are automatically notified to use /stoptour to stop the tour.

          i like this idea, whoever wanted a brief detail will automatically be put on tour and who dislikes the tour period can always /stoptour.
          An old player knows the command, and can tell a player that actually asks the server how to stop the tour. First of all I'd like to say not everyone knows English so they may not ask at all or even if they do ask, there may not be a player online who understand him/her. Secondly, not many players know that you can talk on chat while a tour is going on, many don't try such as myself and many others in the past in other servers. Finally, the player may also not even know there is a command to stop the tour as in many servers, tours cannot be skipped.

          However I also like this idea quite a lot, I'd implement it so that, it shows the tour with a clear button on the side or somewhere on the screen saying 'Stop tour' and 'Next'. Let me explain this more:

          So something along the lines of that, so even if a guy that doesn't know English plays, he will try click all buttons and evetually get ingame. This way we won't lose player count nor will we cause inconvenience for the player who just wants to join temporarily and play with friends (there are players like that).

          Overall though, I do not mind if this suggestion is accepted or not - right now if a player truly is interested in the server, they always say something like "Hey nice server" or something along the lines of that to which some of our older players could respond with "Hey, Thanks have a look at /rules /tour and /noob' ". Nice suggestion though.

          EDIT: To add, I survived in this server without looking at /noob or /tour because I preferred to enjoy and play a lot rather than learn about a server I didn't care about at the time. However while I was enjoying playing, I automatically learnt everything about the server as time went and I also fell in love with the servers features without having it being spoiled by /tour.
          Last edited by Eliteus; 03-08-16, 08:05 PM.
          Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


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