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Any solution for this?

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  • Any solution for this?

    I love to fight with anyone at (sf /ga) , But I get annoyed by car rammers, and Specially the one who drive-by, Car raming is okay for me if I was not fighting with someone, I just use /stair and they confused, and Think I was flying, I know Some of them are not good at fight, and only come to server because they love stunts of GX, and Always do stunting and some car rams, get mistakenly, But here, I want some solution about Smart ass, Drive-by, When I was fighting with with some one else, I get annoyed by drive-by some of them In car and some of In bike, I try to kill bike one, but when there health goes down they speed up and use /healme and When Car drive-by car is about to explode with my bullets, they also speed and use /f then again come I think they know if they use /af again then the dialog message appear, and they don't like it. So Suggest your way in which We can easily blow up their vehicles, I mean they not spam /f command again and again. In this way they get rid from drive-by and do stunts in peace. and Also I can fight in peace.
    When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.

  • #2
    To blow up someone's vehicle simply use /rocket mate. (Dont use it in red zones)


    • #3
      /rocket is like risky also risk for cookies and for health, I also mention They are smart Ass they know how to handle When I shoot with rocket they go away and come back, I also mention During fight If I was alone I can handle with them But /rocket during fight is not good.
      When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.


      • #4
        Buddy, good or bad people are everywhere who ever doing Driveby, with {Autofix on} just /report them, same thing do for the people who use {heal-me} in fights, and i think if somebody doing {Car Ramming+Speedboost} /report them too!, and if you are too much annoyed from them you can ask an admin to send you in {Virtual World} and you can enjoy there, and yeah you can easily blow their vehicles by using Rocket but Don't use it in redzones! so yeah obviously as you are not TP you can't use Godmode and you can't have private world like us.. but you can ask from an admin if you are annoyed! and yeah you need to be careful obviously always even if you spawn people can kill you so just be little carefull and enjoy and never use player objects to get unfair advantage in redzones like making some things and players shoot you and u make some house and hide there and use /tpobs its also not allowed some people try these steps to get a unfair advantage as you said u use stair sometime in ga etc but don't use in rz just tellling you i hope these tips will help you..
        Last edited by Muaaz; 06-08-16, 11:42 AM.


        • #5
          if you are too much annoyed from them you can ask an admin to send you in {Virtual World} and you can enjoy there,
          What is he going to do in VW when he mentioned about fights as there are no players to fight against..
          Best action is only the use of /report cmd only if they've enabled /af...
          However, gx is a dm server so anyone can fight against you. You too can escape fights but without using any command of benefit over others. When you face such players as you mentioned speeding up and returning back I find /report as a better option because they are using speed boost to escape when they run put of health... Which is a kind of rule break.


          • #6
            hmm only 1 solution kill them with rocket already mentioned by other player above but here is suggestion from me that try to fight mostly in red zones and if u want to fight out of RZ player can do what ever they want bugs rockets DB and all..
            just jump on veh and shoot on head of driver with uzis and kill him this is only the other best way to kill them
            good luck


            • #7
              Originally posted by ATP View Post
              What is he going to do in VW when he mentioned about fights as there are no players to fight against..
              Best action is only the use of /report cmd only if they've enabled /af...
              However, gx is a dm server so anyone can fight against you. You too can escape fights but without using any command of benefit over others. When you face such players as you mentioned speeding up and returning back I find /report as a better option because they are using speed boost to escape when they run put of health... Which is a kind of rule break.
              /report is not solution for this, I expecting some Anti-Spamming /f or /af, command.

              Edit: Admins also have some serious report against other player then not free all time, So When I reporting them, I become burden on admins, And Also Admins think that I abusing /report command, Because there are not 1 or 2 guys doing it, You know /ga is popular command in gx, and At least all newbies know the /ga , And Also I sucked If I going to report all those.

              Originally posted by ManofSteel View Post
              hmm only 1 solution kill them with rocket already mentioned by other player above but here is suggestion from me that try to fight mostly in red zones and if u want to fight out of RZ player can do what ever they want bugs rockets DB and all..
              just jump on veh and shoot on head of driver with uzis and kill him this is only the other best way to kill them
              good luck
              I already reply why I not use rocket, or head jump on car, They Jump their car on way that they going to meet gta sa God, So this is not useful at all, if you read my post with attention I mention Smart Ass, So they Know all way.
              Last edited by Robo; 07-08-16, 07:46 AM. Reason: Double post
              When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Redcell
                I already reply why I not use rocket, or head jump on car, They Jump their car on way that they going to meet gta sa God, So this is not useful at all, if you read my post with attention I mention Smart Ass, So they Know all way.
                /sniper and kill or use deagle to kill then and no need to jump on car just shoot from group on head with uzis and he will runn away from u then snipe him
                good luck i dont know more how to kill/ solution.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ManofSteel View Post
                  /sniper and kill or use deagle to kill then and no need to jump on car just shoot from group on head with uzis and he will runn away from u then snipe him
                  good luck i dont know more how to kill/ solution.
                  Did you read me post? (If not read then comment), I clearly said that, I was having problem while Fighting, I also mention that I can handle them When I was alone, and the tip you telling me now I know after 3 days playing on Gamerx.

                  Edit: Don't post use rockets, or etc. I expecting some type of anti /f If person use /f then for next 5 or 10 seconds he can't use, so for 6 seconds I had a peaceful fight.
                  When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Redcell View Post
                    Did you read me post? (If not read then comment), I clearly said that, I was having problem while Fighting, I also mention that I can handle them When I was alone, and the tip you telling me now I know after 3 days playing on Gamerx.

                    Edit: Don't post use rockets, or etc. I expecting some type of anti /f If person use /f then for next 5 or 10 seconds he can't use, so for 6 seconds I had a peaceful fight.
                    no solution instead of fighting
                    and listen what others said
                    peaceful or fight? both are not same. just runaway from there best solution.


                    • #11
                      if you are getting annoyed by them, then simply use /report because there is a rule on it:
                      3.2 Do not use speed boost or directional speed boost to annoy other players by ramming them.
                      If you and othe guy both having fun with speed boost ram then its not a problem at all, but if you are not happy with his ramming report it and admins will take care of them.

                      EDIT: I hate to post one line comment so I dont post, this is not known as report abusing please read my post before replying I clearly told you what to do then how it could be an abuse, if it is I wont say that, try to "READ" before posting.
                      Last edited by Instant; 06-08-16, 05:35 PM.


                      • #12
                        Ok, Then Don't take it as report abusing.

                        Edit: Request For Lock.
                        When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.


                        • #13
                          As everyone said already use the /rocket command if you want to fight otherwise just run away


                          • #14
                            Just accept it and be intelligent. Use rockets against them. If they have auto-fix off when they drive-by you, nothing can be done against them, just accept.

                            "Also I can fight in peace.". This is so selfish, pathetic...


                            • #15
                              I have the solution: Use the "/duel id" command to duel and nobody can annoy you
                              Yours sincerely

                              Prof. Dr. Tarantula


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