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Clan tags suggestion

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  • Clan tags suggestion

    Hi everyone,
    I don't know if this is the right place to post this, I don't even know if there is a need for this suggestion, but it's pretty annoying to see someone in game using a clan tag that doesn't belong to them.
    Lately there has been a player named "Saturo" using the MM tag, often changing to M4 or ATM.
    It's really annoying, considering the clan chat is hidden from irc and anyone that changes their name can see it ig.
    I also understand this is a online game, therefore values like "pride" and "honour" don't really apply to some, but they do for me, and seeing someone with my clan's tag when they have not earned it is quite frustrating, and childish from the person doing it.
    What I am asking is that admins are allowed to punish those who do this, I've heard GamerX has nothing to do with clans, but there's nothing I can do as a player to stop them from using our tag, or make them remove it.
    This is my suggestion.

  • #2
    Actually some admins do change the names of the player who are using a clan tag for no reason, try Pming them.


    • #3
      Same as tofee said, often some admins change the nickname of that kind of players i can understand thats very immature and annoying try to pm some admin i hope they will help.


      • #4
        My solution is easy:

        Admins should make a subforum like "Official GX Clans" where everyone is free to "register" their clan with the next format:

        Clan name:
        Clan TAG:
        Clan owner:
        There shouldn't be any requirement to make a registration. Of course the only requirement should be to use a name/TAG that hasn't been used before.

        Of course the intention with this, is that admins will be able to see all the official members for every "official" clan and take actions against those annoyers. Also, Obviously its the clan leaders' responsability to keep the list updated with all the new members or cases where members make a name change.

        The only bad thing is, it will be extra work for admins. But well, I think it's already becoming too annoying for players that there is not a solution yet for this. And I think this solution could work pretty well.
        I didn't choose to be latin, I just had luck.


        • #5
          I was thinking about this and since lorsimon said it , i think its a good solution to be honest because imagine like many noobs joined the game to join clans without permission and without application without even being considered as an ''Official'' Member of the clan and 9 players currently did that i mean Admins will be too urge and tired of typing /SPN everytime just to remove every tag of those players so yea i think lorsimon's solution is positive from my side.
          My Youtube Channel

          [10:13:51] <@GX-22> * Admin Hose (ID:51) set their MegaJump Value to 3.0
          [10:37:00] <@GX-28> * Admin Manuel[M4] (ID:78) used Fuck You on Hose (ID:51)


          • #6
            Many will disagree but come on...
            The server I play has an excellent group system, I am not saying this server is bad or whatever, all i'm saying is the group system isn't good enough.
            Anyone joins a group without applying and all, and thats why I think adding a /ginvite command to invite players to the group would be good. Also adding a tag won't show anyone the group chat or anything, they have to be /ginvited in order to see the group chat and all.


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