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  • [GAMEMODE] CTF Events

    Yo all,

    I have a suggestion for CTF Events. I dont know if it was already suggested.

    You all probably know about ship CTF event, its quite hard to get opponent's flag and work through the way to your own base.
    I have a little suggestion of providing Armor in addition to Health bar to all the players at their every spawn in the event.
    Though most of the players join it for multiplying their scores, it can be compensated with setting score(flags) to more than 2 (by admins).

    Last edited by Rackham; 21-09-16, 02:56 PM. Reason: .

  • #2
    Great idea , nice suggestion.


    • #3
      It will make the event quite easy and all fun will be ruined.


      • #4
        Why not create an pickup?
        When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.


        • #5
          It will ruin the fun, agree with umair i love ShipCTF because it takes alot of time (hardwork, teamwork) i see these things alot in CTF Maps. Specially in ShipCTF with this thing which you said it will make it more easy and early to end etc and all fun will be gone. i don't want that to be happend.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Umair_Umd View Post
            It will make the event quite easy and all fun will be ruined.
            Well, getting flag captures (score) set more than 5 or like, will return the fun to the event.When you have some more health left; therefore, chances of killing enemy players are also increased. This can help you set you scores.

            It was my idea, and I shared with you all.


            • #7
              Limit health in CTF events are good...the event no need any bar to heal players
              Neutral vote


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