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Jetpack while there is a goo on

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  • Jetpack while there is a goo on

    I see many new players or even normal players trying to use jetpacks but there is an admin doing goos or a TP making p-goos and this seems a bit unfair with who is trying to use the jetpack and have to go to far places to get jetpack

    So my suggestion is to disallow jetpack only in a radius distance from the goo (500m, 1km...) like there is a kinda of thing of this for using /rocket and pobs tele commands (/gpo). This way we will keep avoiding players to abuse jetpacks in goo and players that arent in the goo will keep using it without problem.

  • #2
    I have 2 reviews for your suggestion:

    First: Even if there is a limit to which players can use a jetpack out of GOO or Pgoo area, there is still the possibility of malicious players gain advantage with jetpack
    Example: Let's say a GOO OR PGOO is hidden in /grove
    A player can teleport to a place near like /jedi or /bmx and go flying with the jetpack to the location of GOO

    Second: Players can use another type of transport beyond the jetpack, as helicopters, RC-Heli, etc.
    So there is not need to enable Jetpack during Pgoo or GOO


    • #3
      I think it's not a necessary thing , they are " trusted players " ofcourse they knows can't use jetpack in goo , and pgoo it's allowed , they have jetpack because them deserves unique commands for being tp , my point of view.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gabriel View Post
        I think it's not a necessary thing , they are " trusted players " ofcourse they knows can't use jetpack in goo , and pgoo it's allowed , they have jetpack because them deserves unique commands for being tp , my point of view.
        You didn't understand the suggestion, it isn't about TP's using jetpacks in goos if that is what you meant. Let me explain:

        Problem: A goo or pgoo is on, a player that is not taking part in the event does /jp however he cannot use it since a pgoo or goo exists. (BUT they aren't even trying to find it and are wanting to use the jetpack for things like mapping or just having fun but they can't)

        Suggestion by Pacific: Set a radius (a set area) around the pgoo or goo so players away from these locations can have access to /jp

        My take: I would really support this suggestion since I really am not the goo/pgoo finding guy therefore want access to all cmds without having to care/worry about an irrelevant goo/pgoo. I don't know if it could be possible to work though. There could be 2 ways:

        - Standard radius around goo/pgoo = In the codes, the radius is auto set to a number which cannot be changed to likings ingame.

        - CMD to set radius around goo/pgoo = Code a cmd which allows an admin to set an allocated amount of distance around the goo from ingame.

        I don't know again if this will work out. But if coders are able to do this then I couldn't agree more. Definite +1 from me.


        • #5
          It is more better , yes in case i dont want come to the go/pgoo place and i want use jetpack for mapping or anything else.


          • #6
            I think it's a good suggestion , That happens to me a lot when i use /jp to do any stuff and there's goo and tells me you can't use jetpack cause there's goo/p-goo , so i wish it add.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Miley View Post
              There could be 2 ways:

              - Standard radius around goo/pgoo = In the codes, the radius is auto set to a number which cannot be changed to likings ingame.

              - CMD to set radius around goo/pgoo = Code a cmd which allows an admin to set an allocated amount of distance around the goo from ingame.
              I disagree with the standard set because CMD to set radius would be better since sometimes we can't really predict how big/small an /hp map would be so if the radius is standard set and it is too small of a distance in comparison to the /hp map then it can be problematic and will allow people to use /jp in the /hp map. Likewise if the /hp is small and the radius is huge, it would be unfair for non-participants. So yeah I agree with the 2nd idea.
              Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


              • #8
                - CMD to set radius around goo/pgoo = Code a cmd which allows an admin to set an allocated amount of distance around the goo from ingame.
                Ummm a radius is selected as a circle and it would be really difficult for admins to find the center of goo and apply the radius command there. If admins donot go to the center and apply radius command at the start or near goo extra distance wil be selected and cover much map.

                And sometimes the goo isn't in a straight way, it takes turn and go randomly. There is no way to manage such conditions. So it is better as it is in my opinion.

                Maybe opening jp while hp for everyone and by making a command to remove jetpack from radius (like /rjpr <radius>) this problem can be solved. Admins can use this command like they use command to remove player weapons at hp.
                Last edited by Umair_Umd; 26-09-16, 02:56 AM. Reason: suggestion


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Umair_Umd View Post
                  Maybe opening jp while hp for everyone and by making a command to remove jetpack from radius (like /rjpr <radius>) this problem can be solved. Admins can use this command like they use command to remove player weapons at hp.
                  As an admin, I can say it is easy to forget commands like that while you are looking for people breaking rules. By the time we remember to use the remove jp radius command, someone may already have sneaked it and gotten far ahead near the goo.

                  The radius shouldn't be too much of a problem since the player objects furthest to each sides can be used as detectors and the radius could reach until there and maybe a tiny bit further to make it more secure.
                  Last edited by Eliteus; 26-09-16, 06:57 AM.
                  Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                  • #10
                    They Can Go To Goo / P-Goo While Using JPs When Out Of 500m It will take couple of seconds To Reach Them 500m Radius
                    According To me, It's Useless & Will Be Easy To Find P- Goos / Goos.
                    I Say No.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Eliteus View Post
                      As an admin, I can say it is easy to forget commands like that while you are looking for people breaking rules. By the time we remember to use the remove jp radius command, someone may already have sneaked it and gotten far ahead near the goo.
                      It is not a difficult command it is simply based on English words "Remove JetPack Radius (/rjpr).
                      I think it is a more convenient way. Don't know about other point of view.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Umair_Umd View Post
                        It is not a difficult command it is simply based on English words "Remove JetPack Radius (/rjpr).
                        I think it is a more convenient way. Don't know about other point of view.
                        No, not remembering the physical command. I mean remembering to execute the command. It is easy to forget to type the command while checking for rulebreakers/hackers etc. That is what I meant when I said that.
                        Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                        • #13
                          Well if the whole idea of radius is going to be a problem then there isn't much we can do apart from stick with the current system and ask an admin to give you a jetpack if you want it. Get punished if you get caught misusing it obviously.

                          Another idea that may already have been suggested is running a /hp like a temporary event which means you can use jp in every vw apart from the vw the hp takes place in. I don't think it would be accepted but it would solve this issue about not being able to spawn a jp while a goo/pgoo exists. However the whole system for the goo/pgoo will have to be changed which sucks.

                          I don't know anyway but if this issue can be solved it would be awesome


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Miley View Post
                            Another idea that may already have been suggested is running a /hp like a temporary event which means you can use jp in every vw apart from the vw the hp takes place in. I don't think it would be accepted but it would solve this issue about not being able to spawn a jp while a goo/pgoo exists. However the whole system for the goo/pgoo will have to be changed which sucks.
                            Actually no, the whole idea of radius exist in the "/hp taking place in another VW" suggestion too. For example, you can be in VW 0, teleport to /jobu while ShipCTF takes place and do /cr 500 1 (tp cmd to giving all players cookies in a set radius). Now players of ShipCTF are in another event yet they receive cookies from a TP in another VW. This shows that VW's don't affect anything. How this relates to the suggestion is, even if you do switch /hp's VW (If it is possible), players in other VW will still not be able to access it since the physical pgoo/goo exists somewhere in SA, in any VW. However yes, it could work if it was like an event but that would be unnecessary work for scripters having to change the whole system. I think the current system is fine, simply asking an admin for a jp should work.
                            Last edited by Eliteus; 26-09-16, 04:38 PM.
                            Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


                            • #15
                              There is also another problem that happens when admins create a GOO

                              No player can run the command /tso (Disables most gamerx objects)
                              Me, as i have a weak computer (a potato) I always do this command to reduce my LAG a bit
                              But sometimes I go in the game and there is a /hp rolling or else happens that admins forget to delete the GOO

                              I will take this thread and suggest that the command to disable the objects (/TSO) is enabled even when there's a GOO created


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