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Some Update Suggestions... :D :D

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  • Some Update Suggestions... :D :D

    Ummmm...As i m playing in this server for a long time so sometimes i see something that can me improved so thought that i would make a post on the forums.....
    So here are the upgrades that can be made...If u don't like it then fine but no negative comments please..

    1. Show ids in the death board on the right of the screen...
    2. The /teles command must have more contains only few must be increased..
    3. Spoma command should get more SIMPLIFIED.....
    4. /afob command should get permanent... i always have to enable it when joining the game..
    5. That war in medic spawn zone.!!!!!....that should be restricted....hate it.....
    6. Disable spec should be available for Level 1 player too.....

  • #2

    Post any suggestions that you have here.

    Anyway on topic:
    1) This is the way it works in all SA-MP servers and cannot be changed.
    2) Why not?
    3) /spoma is simple, you just don't know how to use it. Plus no matter how much you change it, there will always be a long string of code representing the texture.
    4) Why not? (Already suggested)
    5) Medic Spawn zone is a nice place to DM, get score and find hackers etc. You see anyone breaking rules then use /report id reason
    6) BIG No. Worst suggestion I've seen in a long time. Reason being other players easily must be able to spectate a level 1 player to see if they are hacking/cheating and then be able to report them if they catch them in the end.
    Last edited by Eliteus; 06-10-16, 11:35 AM.
    Please stop asking why I got my admin status removed. I chose to be demoted and there's no drama behind it.


    • #3
      I agree with u in all....nd yea realized that enabling specdisable for level 1 player will just hide hacks....didn't thought of that....btw...thank u...


      • #4
        I would like to help you in spoma.
        First of all, copy spoma code, example : ''/edittexture 0 18202 w_towncs_t hatwall256hi''
        Remove ''/edittexture'' from it.
        Then Use /spoma [ID of Player Object] [Paste It Here]

        Example :
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	15.4 KB
ID:	114681
        Player Object ID : 300
        Spoma Code : /spoma 300 0 18202 w_towncs_t hatwall256hi
        You can replace ''0'' with ''1,2,3...10'' to change different texture of one Player Object.


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