Event type: Capture The Flag (CTF)
Name: CaptureTheFlagByG_St4R
Player Object Set(/LPOS): /LPOS gstarCTF
Map Creator: G_St4R
Weapon(s): Deagle,Sniper And Combat Shotgun
Weather(/MyWeather): 10
Time(/MyTime): 0
Red Spawn and Flag Location: Angle: 211.4271 X: -2636.0444 Y: 2490.6528 Z: 306.7371
Blue Spawn and Flag Location: Angle: 125.3889 X: -2499.1894 Y: 2349.6655 Z: 306.8471
Name: CaptureTheFlagByG_St4R
Player Object Set(/LPOS): /LPOS gstarCTF
Map Creator: G_St4R
Weapon(s): Deagle,Sniper And Combat Shotgun
Weather(/MyWeather): 10
Time(/MyTime): 0
Red Spawn and Flag Location: Angle: 211.4271 X: -2636.0444 Y: 2490.6528 Z: 306.7371
Blue Spawn and Flag Location: Angle: 125.3889 X: -2499.1894 Y: 2349.6655 Z: 306.8471