Event type: Capture The Flag (CTF)
Name: InTheWoods
Player Object Set(/LPOS): /LPOS JCTF1
Map Creator: JustCurious
Weapon(s): Deagle, shotgun and sniper
Weather(/MyWeather): 11
Time(/MyTime): 12
Red Spawn and Flag Location:
Red team flag
X: -2298.8642
Y: -1808.9552
Z: 608.7281
Red team spawn
X: -2305.0744
Y: -1814.5764
Z: 608.7281
Blue spawn and Flag Location:
Blue team spawn point
X: -2206.1457
Y: -1918.2602
Z: 608.7281
Blue team flag
X: -2201.2922
Y: -1914.3903
Z: 608.7281
Name: InTheWoods
Player Object Set(/LPOS): /LPOS JCTF1
Map Creator: JustCurious
Weapon(s): Deagle, shotgun and sniper
Weather(/MyWeather): 11
Time(/MyTime): 12
Red Spawn and Flag Location:
Red team flag
X: -2298.8642
Y: -1808.9552
Z: 608.7281
Red team spawn
X: -2305.0744
Y: -1814.5764
Z: 608.7281
Blue spawn and Flag Location:
Blue team spawn point
X: -2206.1457
Y: -1918.2602
Z: 608.7281
Blue team flag
X: -2201.2922
Y: -1914.3903
Z: 608.7281