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My return

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  • My return

    Username: [7NA]Mean
    Any previous names: MeanNgh7,MeanNgh7[FF],....
    Registered: 2020
    IRC Nickname (if any): MeanNgh7
    Discord Username/Discriminator Tag: MeanNgh7#7002
    Time spent in-game (hours): 377 h

  • #2
    You are active and very help-full player. I always receive reports from you whenever i play you are always willing to help. I really appreciate your efforts. And yet i have not seen bad behavior/action from you.
    So Definately YES from me.


    • #3
      You were banned before for cheating, after it you changed ... But not enough to be "trusted", NO from me.


      • #4
        Your timezone isnot the same as mine
        But i can see ur activity (reports/help)
        Me and Nick caught you using a reload cleo mod but since it wasnot too dangerous to the others players (doesnot give you advantage) we left you play freely with that mod
        you got banned once
        but it was almost 1 year ago so i wont take it in consideration.
        Couldnot find any usefull/helpfull post in the forum from your side at all... except unban apeals/clan app/nickname change requests/tp app. You should work more on it.
        You arent a bad player at all but you arent that good neither (not enough for trusted player status)
        On my view you arent ready yet for lv2 status.
        NO from me.
        Last edited by GenGar; 24-07-21, 11:34 PM.


        • #5
          yea 5char.
          the 2 7 squad


          • #6
            You're a good person and active but yet its still not enough, Be more active on helping , reporting cheaters/rulebreakers IG or at Forum, So that next time you will apply you will have my YES, But NOW its A NO for me. Plus same as Gengar , On my view you are still not ready for lv2 status.


            • #7
              Gengar, mind and Calamity already said it all, NO from me.


              • #8
                I agree with mind, Gengar and with Calamity. You still need to work on yourself. It is negative vote from me.

                Good luck next time!


                • #9
                  Well you're very gud & active player and i really like your behavior

                  everyone deserves second chance
                  i dont know what other admins think about you but from my side its big YES Good luck bro
                  Last edited by BreakDown; 27-07-21, 07:30 AM. Reason: spelling mistake


                  • #10
                    Changed my vote to No I'm sorry for the first vote but Mean you truly have to learn how to be calm at situation when some one trigger u to, I see u report and help players but have to work on behaviour of some one say u something u don't always have to take it seriously, the guy might be joking u or saying u something like gay (like incident happened today) I don't want to see it again from u. Work hard on your behaviour and u will be fine.


                    • #11

                      You can reapply in a month (02 September 2021).
                      Last edited by Medik; 04-08-21, 10:15 PM. Reason: fixed date


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