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Felix 2nd Trusted Player Application

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  • Felix 2nd Trusted Player Application

    Username: Felix[GSH]
    Any previous names: Felix2K, [Sex]Felix[GSH], Essam_
    Registered: 2018
    IRC Nickname (if any): i think its Essam_ (very old)
    Discord Username/Discriminator Tag: FeLix#3895
    Time spent in-game (hours): 51656 minutes / 860 hours
    Extra Note: i'm always active In Game,Discord and Forums and Helping players as i can , reporting cheaters and rule breakers.
    i'm always improving myself , i didn't break any rule, i have only one mistake in 20-11 (Drive by in red zone) it was just a joke but i admite it because its against rules.

  • #2
    I have seen you report, you're active and helpful. Despite your recent punishment, since you have admitted your fault, I would like to give you a chance, to rectify your mistakes. You've my Yes, good luck, hope you won't disappoint me.


    • #3
      Thank you for your vote, i will never disappoint you.


      • #4
        I would like give you a yes, I was even about forgetting the drive-by and leaving it aside.
        But you again did mistake and rulebreak,I have a standard and criteria in every application, always leaving friendship or sympathy aside
        No from me this time, improve these mistakes and next time you get my yes.


        • #5
          Hi Felix, I've been thinking about this vote and I don't think you're ready yet. I took into consideration that you were apologizing for what happened (**Felix[GSH]** (21) jailed by **Sokka[S]** (24) for db in rz) but yesterday you were caught breaking the rules again. NO from me
          Attached Files
          [ZK]Mercy (ID:21) has been banned by Admin [7NA]PANZEHIR (ID:17) for you are vaccinated


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sokka View Post
            Hi Felix, I've been thinking about this vote and I don't think you're ready yet. I took into consideration that you were apologizing for what happened (**Felix[GSH]** (21) jailed by **Sokka[S]** (24) for db in rz) but yesterday you were caught breaking the rules again. NO from me
            Well, I want to avoid dramas, but i also just want to say something and if you're interested, read it :-
            At that day i played many duels with sawn and practiced 2 shots much time so when that guy played with sawn against me in red zone with 2 shots
            I got distracted and forgot, Then i did the same by mistake ,I've never meant to do things against the rules after I back to the game.
            You have the right to vote negative in this application , and i don't want from any admin to change his vote,but I just wanted to justify my position,correct my friends' view of me and remind you that all people make mistakes, but when they find people to help them and not regularly target them to make mistakes, they do their best to be trustworthy.Do you really think that I didn't know that the guy who fighted me was you? No, I knew it when you told me your word "bot" and i know your way of fighting and I became sure when you used deagle ,you used 2 shots in red zone too to make me commit a rulebreak and when admin Galaxy told me to be careful and regain my focus i reported and management Jackie jailed you with that name


            • #7
              Originally posted by mind View Post
              I would like give you a yes, I was even about forgetting the drive-by and leaving it aside.
              But you again did mistake and rulebreak,I have a standard and criteria in every application, always leaving friendship or sympathy aside
              No from me this time, improve these mistakes and next time you get my yes.
              Thank you mind , i will try my best.


              • #8
                It is against our rules to use weapons bugs in redzone. There is an exception that I was unaware of which is weapon bugs are allowed in the /l 69 area. I wrongfully jailed the player who was using weapon bugs at the upper level of medic spawn (/l 69). Click here and scroll down to section 9 to find the official statement.

                According to the Admins who posted above, you were using it in the lower part. The argument is that the excuse of someone else cheating or forgetting our rules should not give permission for you to cheat. It is the responsibility of a trusted player to know right from wrong and to act correctly.

                I hope this clarifies the situation.

                Your application is Denied.

                You may reapply January 4th 2023.

                I will lock this thread. If any further questions or discussion are to be had, please message me and we can take further action at that time to resolve the matter.

                Thank you and best of luck on your next application,



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