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Abhay's Tp App

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  • Abhay's Tp App

    Username: Abhay
    Any previous names: NIL
    Registered: 2011
    Score: 2277+
    IRC Nickname: Abhay
    Time spent in-game (hours): 765+ (45910 Minutes)

    Extra Information :- I am tried to be a helpfull Player which want help. I am reported about a cheater. I love making friend in game.

    Thanks for Reading

  • #2
    Saw some reports from you. Your behavior is fine and also you do your best to help other players. Got my yes.
    Everything got their end somewhere, with someone.


    • #3
      I saw you in game....ur not so helpful.As tocha said yes i saw some report's from you (aimbot,aimbot,aimbot everyone have aimbot who kill you).I can't give you a positive vote.No.
      You can find me here See you


      • #4
        U do report hackers that's true, but i think U need more time.
        No for now.


        • #5
          I don't see any help from you. No


          • #6
            Never saw you reporting hackers/cheaters, or just helping. no for now.


            • #7
              sir i.m reporting player's and helpfull


              • #8
                Your English is terrible. You asked me to vote on your application. No.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackid View Post
                  Your English is terrible. You asked me to vote on your application. No.

                  i don't ask you for vote on my tp application so why are you telling me...its your decision to vote on my application...
                  You all if you don't give me change so just tell....another than please don't tell me you are not reporting cheaters... or not help can tell players in game..i am helpful or not....and you all just telling me my English is very can you tell me....requirements are not telling your English was not excellent so you can't apply for tp Status.....Why you all hate me.. just tell with a Perfect reason another than.....
                  In Start to end you all just tell me..try next time....Yes from Me... Why you can't tell me Try Next Time You never Got my Yes.....
                  and an normal reason English are not excellent..
                  Last edited by Abhay; 08-02-15, 01:15 PM.


                  • #10
                    [11:53:52] <@GX-07> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Robo_N1X (ID:40): sir i one requst plz
                    [11:53:57] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:40) to Abhay (ID:94): what?
                    [11:54:24] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Robo_N1X (ID:40): sir why no u reply in my tp request plz help me?
                    [11:55:51] <@GX-15> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Robo_N1X (ID:40): sir i,m good players
                    [11:56:04] <@GX-05> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Robo_N1X (ID:40) to Abhay (ID:94): approved by nate and adrenaline yet?

                    [12:01:18] <@GX-29> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): hi sie
                    [12:01:20] <@GX-02> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): hi sir
                    [12:02:53] <@GX-23> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): sir can i requst?
                    [12:02:58] <@GX-03> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): what?
                    [12:03:50] <@GX-12> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): sir help me i,m reporting player's and helpfull but 4 admins no from me why sir
                    [12:04:06] <@GX-09> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): maybe the person you reported is not cheating

                    [12:05:14] <@GX-12> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Adrenaline (ID:116): sir why u no vote me i,m good player

                    [12:06:29] <@GX-25> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): but sir my reason is admins he u are not report players but i,m report player
                    [12:07:45] <@GX-15> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): sir one chance plz me ? i have improve? i,m damsure
                    [12:10:01] <@GX-17> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): sir please ans.?
                    [12:10:05] <@GX-22> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): what?
                    [12:11:16] <@GX-06> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): delija have me denied me but my he is not for long time plz short's time
                    [12:11:39] <@GX-23> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): denied TP app?
                    [12:11:50] <@GX-12> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): yes?
                    [12:12:38] <@GX-08> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): thankx sir?
                    [12:12:45] <@GX-22> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): what?
                    [12:13:24] <@GX-30> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): i have one chance for tp me please?
                    [12:13:38] <@GX-03> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): talk to delija, not me
                    [12:13:59] <@GX-25> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): sir but owner u?
                    [12:14:13] <@GX-18> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Matite (ID:54) to Abhay (ID:94): I am not going to undo what delija does. you talk to him
                    [12:14:29] <@GX-18> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Matite (ID:54): ok thankx sir for info

                    [12:34:09] <@GX-08> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): hi
                    [12:34:15] <@GX-18> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): helli
                    [12:34:25] <@GX-15> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): can i request?
                    [12:34:31] <@GX-27> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): what is it
                    [12:35:21] <@GX-25> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): why my negetive vote? help me
                    [12:35:54] <@GX-04> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): What negative vote
                    [12:36:27] <@GX-22> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): mean's u my tp app's no from me
                    [12:36:33] <@GX-07> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): why
                    [12:36:58] <@GX-28> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): umm i didn't vote in your tp app
                    [12:36:59] <@GX-06> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): i have goodplayers and i,m reporting
                    [12:37:25] <@GX-18> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): u don't know
                    [12:37:45] <@GX-26> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): i don't know what?
                    [12:38:13] <@GX-09> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): You may already know the power Hu and reports that help the players
                    [12:38:29] <@GX-14> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): but you do not vote for me Postive man, please give a chance?
                    [12:38:29] <@GX-15> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): what are trying to say?
                    [12:38:47] <@GX-22> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): please give a chance for tp please
                    [12:38:56] <@GX-03> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): i won't vote in your tp app
                    [12:39:08] <@GX-20> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): not with your terrible english
                    [12:39:29] <@GX-29> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): what why
                    [12:39:40] <@GX-11> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): your english is hard to understand how are you gonna be able to help people
                    [12:40:06] <@GX-25> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): besides the rule says do not ask for positive admins for your tp app to admins
                    [12:40:13] <@GX-08> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): sir i,m from in india
                    [12:40:27] <@GX-30> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): so what if you're from india
                    [12:40:53] <@GX-26> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): i,m not saying for psotive and tp?
                    [12:41:19] <@GX-10> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): then why are you asking to me vote on your tp app?
                    [12:41:20] <@GX-12> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): my english no hard?
                    [12:41:54] <@GX-16> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): he is my reason saying u
                    [12:42:15] <@GX-19> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): okay, your english is terrible i can't understand what are you saing
                    [12:44:13] <@GX-10> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): fine? good your think
                    [12:44:44] <@GX-09> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): go bother someone else, please
                    [12:45:12] <@GX-13> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): next time gave a chance plz ok byr
                    [12:45:15] <@GX-19> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): next time gave a chance plz ok bye
                    [12:45:18] <@GX-29> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Blackid (ID:111) to Abhay (ID:94): no
                    [12:45:48] <@GX-18> [>> %#gamerX] * PM from Abhay (ID:94) to Blackid (ID:111): i have impro me?
                    Nothing else to say.. No.
                    KVIrc User


                    • #11

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