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It's so sad to see the best admin ever resigns. dunno what to say. Good luck !
I'm not demoted, i resigned.Mostly because i need to focus on college
lol,i used to like your red colored name on forums, but i am really sad for you, you're the only one who deserves the management status.. But i already...
Good to know that you're a girl XD, MarisaKirisame told me that you're a boySorry
i don't know, Maybe when they start thinking? i guess
How much time till our posts in Eliteus' thread get deleted as "drama"?
Good luck with your Trusted Player application.
Still wanna duel me? XD i saw your message.
Ting tong, Good bye, see you after the ban
lul, Nancy, you're a strong girl, i like this...
This was recent, apparently lames fought u with another account recently, and u death evaded. He wouldn't lie.
Everyone doing mistakes. and everyone changes. and admins forgot their past. but however i tried to change, even I forgot what did i do! but admins? i...
They are trying their best to forget your old Mason account but you broke a rule (tele in fight) recently when Lames fought you with another account....
i got mad. lol
they're using Mason account banned reason for each TP app i do.
they don't want forget it!
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