Username(In-game): Roller
Any Previous Name: Driftar,Hippy,Hippy.[SM]
Any previous Clan: [SM]
Your age:05
Kills: 1500+
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 100+ h
Special Skills: Racing & DM
Why do you want to join [A] : this clan has mature and pro members
Extra Information : I was inactive because we were gone for picnic for a week with my cousins, but now i am active again
Any Previous Name: Driftar,Hippy,Hippy.[SM]
Any previous Clan: [SM]
Your age:05
Kills: 1500+
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 100+ h
Special Skills: Racing & DM
Why do you want to join [A] : this clan has mature and pro members
Extra Information : I was inactive because we were gone for picnic for a week with my cousins, but now i am active again
