Username(In-game): Dr.KaGs
Any Previous Name: KaGs,Khalisa
Any previous Clan: nope
Your age:18
Kills: 4700+
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 102h
Special Skills: Dm swanoff and deagle (BUGS = 2shot,cbug,slidebug)
Why do you want to join [A] :- i like this clan a lot and my friends are in this clan i would love to be part of [A]clan
Any Previous Name: KaGs,Khalisa
Any previous Clan: nope
Your age:18
Kills: 4700+
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 102h
Special Skills: Dm swanoff and deagle (BUGS = 2shot,cbug,slidebug)
Why do you want to join [A] :- i like this clan a lot and my friends are in this clan i would love to be part of [A]clan
