Username(In-game): DarkSniperX
Any Previous Name: i forgot
Any previous Clan: [VNT], [DR], [SAC], ...
Your age:16
Kills: 2360
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 217h
Special Skills: Sniper and Death match
Why do you want to join [A] : because it's the good clan, the members are nice and very good. So that why i want to be in your team
Any Previous Name: i forgot
Any previous Clan: [VNT], [DR], [SAC], ...
Your age:16
Kills: 2360
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 217h
Special Skills: Sniper and Death match
Why do you want to join [A] : because it's the good clan, the members are nice and very good. So that why i want to be in your team
