Username(In-game): Kev
Any Previous Name: Devil_[UAH]
Any previous Clan: [UAH]
Your age:15
Kills: 2618
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 177 hours that is equal to 7 days
Special Skills: drifting & DM&modifing cars
Why do you want to join [A] :bcz i have seen that the members of clan [A] r helping......
Any Previous Name: Devil_[UAH]
Any previous Clan: [UAH]
Your age:15
Kills: 2618
Time Spent In-Game (Hours) : 177 hours that is equal to 7 days
Special Skills: drifting & DM&modifing cars

Why do you want to join [A] :bcz i have seen that the members of clan [A] r helping......