NOTE: Dani allowed me to post the application.
■ Ingame Information ■
■ Ingame Information ■
1. Ingame name: Churre
2. Previous names: Churre_SA
3. Since when you play SA:MP?: Since 2012
4. Your GamerX score: 12601
5. Total time spent in-game: 1101 (Hours).
6. Previous clans: [R], nCt.], [UG], [.ZF.], [CST].
7. Why did you leave those clans?: When i left from clan CST was for join to clan ZF, and when i left from clan ZF was for create my own clan UG, and when i left from my clan, was for join to clan nCt.], and when i left from clan nCt.], was for join to clan [R], then i got kicked from clan [ATM] for using aimbot.
8. Have you ever applied to a clan which denied you, if so then why did you get denied?: In clan M4, because one of the members who voted, showed a screenshot of me spamming with commands /lmao /lmao2 /fart /rofl /lol /care /cough.
9. Has anyone invited you to make an application, if so who?: No one.
10. Why would you like to join [ATM]? (Explain): Because this is a popular clan, and there are helpful, good and friendly members, and i want to make part of they.
11. In which case would you leave the clan: If the clan begins to be inactive, i would leave from clan, or if i start having problems with clan members, i would leave.
12. How would you describe your loyality?: As i said, my loyality is good and i will try to make it better everyday.
■ Gameplay ■
Describe your activity: When i'm playing, i like to play challenges, join races or events when i'm bored, and when I don't want to do that, I start killing players at some spawn zones, or i create pobs, there is always way to remove boredom
... and sometimes I talk with my friends from GamerX in private messages, or in the public chat.
Rate from 0 to 10.
Deagle: 5
Shotgun: 6
M4/ak/mp5: 5
Spas: 5
Sniper: 6
Rifle: 4
Sawn-off: 7
Tec9: 5
■ Extra Information ■
Scripting knowledge: I know a bit of scripting, but not much.
Photoshop knowledge: Using photoshop also i know a bit, but not much.
Video editing knowledge: It depends of the program i'm using, but if i'm using Camtasia Studio 8, i know a bit too.
NOTE: I want to apologize for the mistake i made, using aimbot, i learned from my mistake, we are humans and we do mistakes, but that mistake i've done of using aimbot, won't happen again.
■ Ingame Information ■
■ Ingame Information ■
1. Ingame name: Churre
2. Previous names: Churre_SA
3. Since when you play SA:MP?: Since 2012
4. Your GamerX score: 12601
5. Total time spent in-game: 1101 (Hours).
6. Previous clans: [R], nCt.], [UG], [.ZF.], [CST].
7. Why did you leave those clans?: When i left from clan CST was for join to clan ZF, and when i left from clan ZF was for create my own clan UG, and when i left from my clan, was for join to clan nCt.], and when i left from clan nCt.], was for join to clan [R], then i got kicked from clan [ATM] for using aimbot.
8. Have you ever applied to a clan which denied you, if so then why did you get denied?: In clan M4, because one of the members who voted, showed a screenshot of me spamming with commands /lmao /lmao2 /fart /rofl /lol /care /cough.
9. Has anyone invited you to make an application, if so who?: No one.
10. Why would you like to join [ATM]? (Explain): Because this is a popular clan, and there are helpful, good and friendly members, and i want to make part of they.
11. In which case would you leave the clan: If the clan begins to be inactive, i would leave from clan, or if i start having problems with clan members, i would leave.
12. How would you describe your loyality?: As i said, my loyality is good and i will try to make it better everyday.
■ Gameplay ■
Describe your activity: When i'm playing, i like to play challenges, join races or events when i'm bored, and when I don't want to do that, I start killing players at some spawn zones, or i create pobs, there is always way to remove boredom

Rate from 0 to 10.
Deagle: 5
Shotgun: 6
M4/ak/mp5: 5
Spas: 5
Sniper: 6
Rifle: 4
Sawn-off: 7
Tec9: 5
■ Extra Information ■
Scripting knowledge: I know a bit of scripting, but not much.
Photoshop knowledge: Using photoshop also i know a bit, but not much.
Video editing knowledge: It depends of the program i'm using, but if i'm using Camtasia Studio 8, i know a bit too.
NOTE: I want to apologize for the mistake i made, using aimbot, i learned from my mistake, we are humans and we do mistakes, but that mistake i've done of using aimbot, won't happen again.