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ATM Application

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  • REJECTED: ATM Application

    1. Ingame name: .Terminator
    2. Previous names: Black_Man
    3. Since when you play SA:MP?: since 2013 and then i discovered GamerX server this 2016 summer
    4. Your GamerX score: currently 5664
    5. Total time spent in-game: 3 weeks and 4 hours (30505) minutes 'so far'
    6. Previous clans: [.ZF.]
    7. Why did you leave those clans?: i left because Eduardo keeps inviting new players and even unregistered ones and some of them using cheats
    8. Have you ever applied to a clan which denied you, if so then why did you get denied?: i applied at M4 because i'm not having contact with the M4 members and not hagning with them
    9. Has anyone invited you to make an application, if so who?: nobody.
    10. Why would you like to join [ATM]? (Explain): I'd like to get closer to ATM members and learn from them and improve my skills and get to know them Aqua Team Mafia is an old respected clan and never saw a member rulebreaking.
    11. In which case would you leave the clan: I'll leave if get insulted or abused by any member
    12. How would you describe your loyality?: can't say that i'm loyal but i'll leave that desicion to the clan members to judge me i say maybe i need a chance to show my loyality

    ■ Gameplay ■

    Which servers do you play?: GamerX no exceptions
    Describe your activity: Duel, Events, DM, Free roaming, hagning with friends...

    Rate from 0 to 10.

    Deagle: 5/10
    Shotgun: 8/10
    M4/ak/mp5: 4/10
    Spas: 7/10
    Sniper: 9/10
    Rifle: 4/10
    Sawn-off: 6/10
    Tec9: 2/10

    ■ Extra Information ■

    Scripting knowledge: No
    Photoshop knowledge: a bit
    Video editing knowledge: yes
    if you guys doubt in my stats here is a link to check
    Let the voting start
    Last edited by Titanium; 20-11-16, 01:46 PM.

  • #2
    I know you since long time, Everyone deserve a chance.
    You've got my YES.
    Do not disappoint me please.


    @Queen: No one is considering good skills or being good in Races as requirements, by saying you are skilled or good scripter or whatever! We are looking for exception . ATM is not looking always foward player with good behaviour but skilled ones that can be a nice add, I mean benefit for us.
    Last edited by MrCapo; 20-11-16, 04:07 PM.
    -Tunisia <3


    • #3
      Edit- As Queen stated below No for now
      Last edited by LoNeWoLF; 20-11-16, 04:36 PM.


      • #4
        Sometimes you make a lot of dramas and can't control yourself, you should be nice to everyone if you want to get in here.
        You're not ready for now sorry its a No.

        You are a nice player and the skills you got are good enough to join us

        Skill is not a requirement to join here, the only thing is about behavior being respectful and nice.

        EDIT x2:
        @MrCapo I already know the rules, yes some skills such as photoshop and scripting are useful plus good behavior is the most important thing. But I think he was talking about death match skills.
        p.s: I just suggested to LoneWolf.
        Last edited by Queen; 20-11-16, 07:25 PM.


        • #5
          Thanks for the advice my dear Queen, I'll work on that point & I'll Fix this misbehaviour.
          Promise i won't dissapoint
          Last edited by Titanium; 20-11-16, 03:55 PM.


          • #6
            6,7 days ago you posted a silly thread, that we (admins) are noob in the job,

            Imo you need more time to join here, since you are bringing only dramas, problems.
            Also fix your rage mode with ZF players... its too dangerous to give you a possitive vote.
            No from me


            • #7
              i understand that Panz. i'll fix my rage soon and i will change promise
              Last edited by Titanium; 20-11-16, 04:37 PM.


              • #8
                Its a no for now... reason stated by panzehir,being an admin isnt an easy job, especially on big servers like this,as they said you make dramas... fix your behaviour and you will have a positive vote from me.


                • #9
                  As my clan mates said above, im agree with them.
                  yeah, you really need work on yourself to join in ATM.
                  I don't need to say with what, you're already know it, just fix them and try to be a good person, without any dramas and other problems.
                  No from me, maybe next time.


                  • #10
                    Since i see they are pming you some silly things, just dont listen them, they are lying you. Try to be yourself and dont hang around with immature people as you see what happens.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PANZEHIR View Post
                      Since i see they are pming you some silly things, just dont listen them, they are lying you. Try to be yourself and dont hang around with immature people as you see what happens.
                      already started working on that and u saw what they pm'ing me i won't judge myself by saying i'm a good person but i'll leave that to you PANZ just watch me ingame and put ur focus on me


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Terminator View Post
                        already started working on that and u saw what they pm'ing me i won't judge myself by saying i'm a good person but i'll leave that to you PANZ just watch me ingame and put ur focus on me
                        You'll be Watched for sure just prouve to them that you deserve the chance to join ATM.

                        To next month Adios amigos.
                        -Tunisia <3


                        • #13
                          I will keep your words, you are telling to my fellow members that you will change! I faced many persons in the internet telling i will change my self dont worry but unfortunately they dont keep their promises. I hope you are not one of those person that you dont keep your promise. i will vote no for now as you are not ready to join clan yet and i will keep an eye on your behavior towards player if i see you in-game.!

                          As about the requirements, the clan is looking for mature persons. I do not care if someone is professional in Deathmatches,Races or other things. I always looking to his attitude.!


                          • #14
                            The owner of the Application decided to be closed... DENIED you can re-apply after 1 month 20 December 2016.

                            PS: We are looking for behavior as general, race/dm/scripting skills are being ignored after 2015. (useless)


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