.:Personal Info:.
- In-Game Name:
- Any Previous In-Game Name:
- Nationality (OPTIONAL):
- Talk about yourself... (what kind of person are you?):
- Do you have Skype (yes/no)?:
- Do you have Discord (yes/no)?:
- Score:
- K/D Ratio:
- Kills:
- Rate your Death Match skills. (1-10)?:
- How good are you in C-bug. (1 - 10)?:
- How good are you in Litefoot. (1-10)?:
- Have you participated in any clan wars before?:
- When did you start playing SA-MP?:
.: Player History:.
- Have you left any clans within the past month? If so, why?:
- Have you been banned from the server before? If so, what for? (write no if you have never been banned):
.:[DBH] Pledge:.
- Did anyone from [DBH] invite you to the clan?:
- Do you promise to follow all of the rules of [DBH]? (Yes/No):
- Do you promise to help, defend and takeover turfs for [DBH]? (Yes/No):
- Why would you like to join [DBH]?:
- How can you make DarkBrotherHood a better clan?: