Username(ingame): [Armieruiz]
Any previous name: [Club]Nakasome.Armie
Any previous clan: [Club]Nakasome, [BT].
Age: 18
Kills: 1297
Hours: 100
Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): Yes 70%
Special Skills: Cbug, 2shoot And more
Why you want to join to [M4]: I want to join in [M4] Clan because i see in this clan a good member and team
Any previous name: [Club]Nakasome.Armie
Any previous clan: [Club]Nakasome, [BT].
Age: 18
Kills: 1297
Hours: 100
Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): Yes 70%
Special Skills: Cbug, 2shoot And more
Why you want to join to [M4]: I want to join in [M4] Clan because i see in this clan a good member and team