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Luna [M4]

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  • REJECTED: Luna [M4]

    Username(ingame): [Ask]Luna
    Any previous name: SunnivA
    Any previous clan: [Ask] -died
    Age: 19
    Country: USA
    Kills: 3230
    Hours: Old player. Chance por Manuel
    Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): yes 100%
    Special Skills: tactics
    Why you want to join to [M4]: M4 clan is nice. i got a cookie from uncle and an M4 from manuel. these 2 have motivated me to join the clan out of all the others. They stood out with their kind attitude

    P.S. im also looking for valentines
    Last edited by Manuel[M4]; 14-02-16, 06:57 AM.

  • #2
    Nice skills and nice guy when no admins warning rulebreakers
    You got my Yes and i respect Old Players
    pd: sorry for you old account lost
    Last edited by Jordi2; 14-02-16, 07:05 AM.


    • #3
      Hello [Ask]Luna, I have seen you, think that you are good and all. Yes from me.


      • #4
        it's okay friend. See you later in the game to throw us a few duels.
        ( ͡◉ ͜> ͡◉)


        • #5
          tell me your time zone, im mostly on either in the morning around like 9 or 10AM GMT-5


          • #6
            Jacken from Mexico


            • #7

              Please check the hours...
              Yes from me
              Last edited by Lilia; 16-02-16, 06:35 PM.


              • #8
                Yes For Me

                Reason Are Above


                • #9
                  Firstly I want to make this very clear that clan mates your vote won't be counted as you all did same mistakes as you have to post your vote with reasons.Simply Yes and No wont be counted unless your reasons is not there to it....Well it looks like you all just copying the vote which have been just mentioned by one guy...well its not good you have to vote indiv....not just looking clan mate can cheack it in forum too bt you all do this same thing again and again....So plzz vote with reasone tooooo its important its clearly mentioned in forum.

                  Well coming to the topic I don't know much about you and I've never seen you active from many days well I am active t bt I never seen you in-game its is clear that if you active then players will do know abut you and do many my vote is negative for sure....try to be active in-game as well as in forum too...idc if you are an old player or you are a friend of my clan mates(or owner) I judge players like this only..Gl


                  • #10
                    Luna is from my timezone
                    United States when India Sleeps


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jordi View Post
                      Luna is from my timezone
                      United States when India Sleeps
                      whaaat?jordi try to understand I have said that I have a prbm with those guys who post their votes with yes and no that mean I am not targeting you well you can say I am targeting to thosewho post their votes without reason...well it can be checked by captains,and leaders well you posted your vote with reason so there is no prblm bt by posting it this it look like you protecting that guy idk bt its my point of view and I told alreay that I've never seen that guy in-game so I am not here to explain more...


                      • #12
                        well i have played with you sometime and you have skills but still you need to improve which we will teach you how to so its a yes from me


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dwane_johnson View Post

                          you cannot say someone is inactive without asking what their timezone is. have you looked up my last login before accusing such a thing or looked at my forum profile? from your reason you are doing the same as the other people on this topic. i have been playing everyday for about an hour or 2. so sorry i cant play 24 hours a day to meet your quote for your positive vote but do note people have lives. 2:50PM GMT-5/EST going ingame now if interested. nor do i have any friends in GX.

                          Originally posted by Jeason View Post
                          well i have played with you sometime and you have skills but still you need to improve which we will teach you how to so its a yes from me

                          had an incident where my right hand got busted a bit so my aim is a bit off. mind telling me your ingame name?
                          Last edited by Luna; 16-02-16, 09:03 PM. Reason: didnt see page 2


                          • #14
                            First of all let we start talking honest.... i barely see you in-game and when even i see you in-game all you do is dm.

                            let's get to the point here. It's nice to see that you have chosen us over other clans that's nice of you . On the other hand you seems nice of player and i like that but just incase my clan mates didn't know that you were jail by Admin [ATM]Mertens about two or so days ago. i was shock to see a player of you'r standard were force to read the rules of the server, also all these talking about you'r status and how old of a player you are it did seems like that when you were jail for breaking a rule.

                            Try following the server rules before you can apply here again.


                            You can reapply on March 16th 2016.
                            Süççēss çømês wïth põwër.

                            Banned Trusted Player..


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