Username(ingame): Jobu_Janes
Any previous name: Apple_iHax, mu57b3h4xx
Any previous clan: [GT],[MWR],[AC],[M4],[wW]
Age: personal information, but 20+
Country: Finland/Estonia
Hours:1890 (113430 minutes)
Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): Yes, about 70 percent I'd say. I'm not perfect with English but I won't have much problems with it either.
Special Skills: Some say that I drive good
Why you want to join to [M4]: In my opinion it is currently the strongest clan in GamerX. People in M4 behave well and respect the rules of the server which is always good to see. I want to point out the helpfulness of the players that are in M4 clan. Other than that, I was invited to M4 by quite a few people but as I pointed out that I don't want any levels make decisions on my clan application (as admin). I just want to apply as any other player and join this clan as a newbie. Please vote as honest as you can, don't make things more beautiful as it is, if you don't like something about me then point it out and I will improve myself. Hard critics are always welcome .
Profile here:
Stats here:
if this application gets accepted before proper voting (atleast 7 players vote) then kenneth will recieve a temporary ban of 1 day (24 hours)
[02:13:01] <@GX-04> [30] Jobu_Janes: and i will ban you kenny if you accept it too soon xD
[02:13:21] <@GX-29> [32] Kenneth[M4]: I don't accept apps til 5 yes
[02:13:35] <@GX-18> [30] Jobu_Janes: good, make it 7-10 on my apply
[02:13:42] <@GX-26> [32] Kenneth[M4]: 6
[02:13:46] <@GX-30> [30] Jobu_Janes: 7, or i wont join
[02:14:00] <@GX-23> [32] Kenneth[M4]: xD k deal
[02:14:02] <@GX-25> [32] Kenneth[M4]: 7
Any previous name: Apple_iHax, mu57b3h4xx
Any previous clan: [GT],[MWR],[AC],[M4],[wW]
Age: personal information, but 20+
Country: Finland/Estonia
Hours:1890 (113430 minutes)
Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): Yes, about 70 percent I'd say. I'm not perfect with English but I won't have much problems with it either.
Special Skills: Some say that I drive good
Why you want to join to [M4]: In my opinion it is currently the strongest clan in GamerX. People in M4 behave well and respect the rules of the server which is always good to see. I want to point out the helpfulness of the players that are in M4 clan. Other than that, I was invited to M4 by quite a few people but as I pointed out that I don't want any levels make decisions on my clan application (as admin). I just want to apply as any other player and join this clan as a newbie. Please vote as honest as you can, don't make things more beautiful as it is, if you don't like something about me then point it out and I will improve myself. Hard critics are always welcome .
Profile here:
Stats here:
if this application gets accepted before proper voting (atleast 7 players vote) then kenneth will recieve a temporary ban of 1 day (24 hours)
[02:13:01] <@GX-04> [30] Jobu_Janes: and i will ban you kenny if you accept it too soon xD
[02:13:21] <@GX-29> [32] Kenneth[M4]: I don't accept apps til 5 yes
[02:13:35] <@GX-18> [30] Jobu_Janes: good, make it 7-10 on my apply
[02:13:42] <@GX-26> [32] Kenneth[M4]: 6
[02:13:46] <@GX-30> [30] Jobu_Janes: 7, or i wont join
[02:14:00] <@GX-23> [32] Kenneth[M4]: xD k deal
[02:14:02] <@GX-25> [32] Kenneth[M4]: 7