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CM.Punk.'s Application for [M4] :D

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  • REJECTED: CM.Punk.'s Application for [M4] :D

    Username(ingame): CM.Punk.
    Any previous name:Osman.[XVI]
    Any previous clan:[XVI]
    Country: Mexico|United States|India... Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Kills: 3148
    Hours: 179 H.
    Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): yes 90%
    Special Skills: c-bug, two-shoot's.
    Why you want to join to [M4]: It's a realy good clan. I inproved, my skills i think they are good enogh, to join in [M4]
    Players are realy good, i can lern a lot. There is noo rulebreakers, i wana join here.

  • #2
    Saw you using weapon bugs in red zone some days ago, and i literally dislike how you act with players here; No for now.
    the 2 7 squad


    • #3
      Yeah, i know glator i used on the two shoot's bugs. i am trying to keep it away from RZ. anyways thx on your vote glator.


      • #4
        not know you much,. so my vote is unknown. ..
        i'll vote after see you.
        just drift


        • #5
          I liked your skills, but skills isn't everything. Your behaviour is bad in main chat and Glator saw you rule breaking.. That makes your chance lower. No
          Edit: About your rule breaking, I trust Glator.
          Last edited by Toffee; 14-06-16, 01:58 PM.


          • #6
            Hey Osman,
            You're a nice guy, with moderate gaming skills, but that's not much. You don't hangout much with any of the M4 members, you were constantly breaking rules, your English is horrible even though you have rated it as a 90 out of 100, you recently left another clan and haven't specified any reason for your departure from that clan.
            After posting your application, you started hanging out more and being rather more friendly towards all the M4 members, which I believe is why because you needed more votes and tried to be good in others eyes.
            You were constantly telling me and other members that you have made your application, in directly and/or directly. You need a hell lot of improvement before you even consider applying again for M4.
            Negative vote from my and Web[M4]'s Side. Web[M4]'s denial reasons are pretty much the same.

            “You’ve got enemies? Good, that means you actually stood up for something.” – Eminem


            • #7
              Okay but where i did brake the rule toffe.?


              • #8
                i just visited your "ex Clan". (how to say that, i think old clan is more suit with my tounge). .
                yeah your old clan have a.. the tyrannical rule , and hostile.. so , im sure You also people who don't behave well with the others.

                sorry to say that,

                but my vote is No. .. even you have better skill than me.

                hope you don't hate me.
                Last edited by ANWAR; 14-06-16, 02:20 PM.
                just drift


                • #9
                  i don't hate you anwar. Anyways thx on voteing guys


                  • #10
                    I saw you insult before. No!!!


                    • #11
                      Okay guys, i will fix my behavier maybe for 2 months i will post the APP again.


                      • #12
                        Rules Breaker , No skillz. Bad Behaviour ! no loyalty to clan & i saw you before insulting M4 & his members. so it's a BIG NO

                        P.S: He's AloneWolf too.
                        Last edited by MrCapo; 15-06-16, 03:45 AM.
                        -Tunisia <3


                        • #13
                          I don't know you are rulebreaking or not but lately you were in another clan and left it. It is a No. Maybe i will give you a positive vote next time.
                          "I'm still playing the game, having a great time."

                          Jason Giambi


                          • #14
                            No from me ; Bad behaviour


                            • #15
                              You may reapply on July 16th.



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