Username(ingame): CM.Punk.
Any previous name:Osman.[XVI]
Any previous clan:[XVI]
Country: Mexico|United States|India... Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kills: 3148
Hours: 179 H.
Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): yes 90%
Special Skills: c-bug, two-shoot's.
Why you want to join to [M4]: It's a realy good clan. I inproved, my skills i think they are good enogh, to join in [M4]
Players are realy good, i can lern a lot.
There is noo rulebreakers, i wana join here.
Any previous name:Osman.[XVI]
Any previous clan:[XVI]
Country: Mexico|United States|India... Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kills: 3148

Hours: 179 H.

Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): yes 90%
Special Skills: c-bug, two-shoot's.

Why you want to join to [M4]: It's a realy good clan. I inproved, my skills i think they are good enogh, to join in [M4]

Players are realy good, i can lern a lot.
