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[M4] App

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  • REJECTED: [M4] App

    Username(ingame): Terminator
    Any previous name:Black_Man
    Any previous clan:ZF, sS
    Country: Tunisia (arab)
    Kills: 4149
    Races Won: 92 (i don't race too much)
    Hours: 2 weeks, 1 day, 1 hour, 17minutes so far 21674 minutes
    Do you speak English (Yes/No | 0% - 100%): 92%
    Were you invited by a Captain? Yes/No Who?: No.
    Special Skills ingame: Driving, fighting, dueling, CTF evnets
    Special Personal Skills: gaming, computer fix, modding games, making Dj songs
    Prefered weapons to duel: Combat shotgun, deagle, chainsaw
    Prefered cars to race: Bullet, Sabre, Infernus
    How long you have been playing SA:MP? iv'e installed SAMP since 2013 then i found GamerX server this 2016 summer
    Why you want to join to [M4]: first with all my respects to other clans M4 is a hell of a clan it's a big one, i feel safer if i join M4 somehow...
    Why did you select M4 to join in: i wanted to join M4 to get closer to pro players and learn from them and improve my skills and get to know more friends
    if you guys doubt in my stats here is a link to check

  • #2
    NO from me... I likes your behavior to players you are friendly

    Sorry You are not ready!
    Last edited by MaRaZ; 28-10-16, 01:24 AM. Reason: Evil's Right!


    • #3
      You asked to vote on your application, NO from me and i want to add this too you are a rulebreaker as well i can't bear rulebreakers in [M4] will give you my vote if i will see changes in you in future better luck next time.
      PS: Take it positively and work on your negative things and you can get my yes in future.


      • #4
        I asked you to vote it means go to my thread and vote yes or no i didnt ask you to vote yes for me Evil


        • #5
          Originally posted by Terminator View Post
          I asked you to vote it means go to my thread and vote yes or no i didnt ask you to vote yes for me Evil
          its not a mature thing to "Ask" people to vote on your application, i think if you will think like this then one day you will apply for "Trusted Player" then you will say same thing to each admin go and vote on application you are not saying yes or not but you are saying go and vote it doesn't makes any sense it makes us feel like you are in-patient and it doesn't look good at all and you are a "Rulebreaker" nah not going to happen if you don't work on your negative points have a good day.

          EDIT: Your behaviour is bad first thing for example recently you said, "I hate gay people, I hope they all die". what is this? i don't like this kind of behaviour you should fix your behaviour first. You should stop rule-breaking obey the rules be a good person there is nothing bad in being yourself do jokes and do whatever you like play normally but make sure it doesn't offend anybody don't do anything in excess "Excess of anything is bad" prove that you can be a mature player and you can be in M4 taking these things positively and working on your negative things will help you in future and you can be in [M4].
          Last edited by Muaaz; 28-10-16, 10:03 AM.


          • #6
            I was going to give you positive but after this:
            Originally posted by Evil_Boss View Post
            You asked to vote on your application
            You shouldn't even ask any member to vote on your application. no matter if it's ''Yes'' Or ''No''. doing so means you are impatient.

            So No.


            • #7

              You may reapply after 1 month.
              Süççēss çømês wïth põwër.

              Banned Trusted Player..


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