Zed (Inactive)
Hoia (Inactive)
Nadin (Inactive)
Logan (Inactive)
Daksheeboy (Inactive)
Hoock (Inactive)
Neurox (Inactive)
TinaRex (Inactive)
BoL (Inactive)
Gx14 (Inactive)
Aryan (Inactive)
Nikola (Inactive)
Jeffy (Inactive)
Simple (Inactive)
Lolo (Inactive)
Nikola (Inactive)
Jeffy (Inactive)
Simple (Inactive)
Lolo (Inactive)
* BlackyBurn and Sokka has been added.
* Churre was kicked from the clan.
* Marked all the inactive members as Inactive. [03/09/21]
* Kyoto_ has been promoted to Eminence. [03/09/21]
* Veyron joined invited by UMAIR. [01/09/21]
* AmazingGuy kicked (Blacklisted). [31/08/21]
* mirco Joined. [31/08/21]
* Mind has been promoted to Eminence. [20/08/21]
* Kyoto_ Joined. [20/08/21]
*Lynx has beed promoted to Eminence. [ 30/7/21]
* Mind joined invited by BreakDown. [ 30/7/21]
* Lynx Joined [22/06/21]
* THI left. [02/05/21]
* AmazingGuy has been demoted to Prime Mover. [15/04/21]
* Blackyburn Left . [16/03/21]
* AmazingGuy Joined as Magnate. [20/02/21]
* Kicked Mercy. [19/02/21]
* Mercy Joined. [11/02/21]
* Joseriul has been promoted to Magnate. [15/12/20]
* Logan has been promoted to Magnate. [05/11/20]
* Churre has been made the lead of Magnate. [01/11/20]
* Kicked Eric_Twigg. [09/09/20]
* Joseriul and Daksheeboy has been promoted to Lead Light. [09/07/20]
* Eric_Twigg Joined . [ 4/09/2020 ]
* Daksheeboy has been promoted to Eminence. [17/07/20]
* Churre has been promoted to Magnate and Hoock has been demoted to Lead Light. [07/07/20]
* Jeffy and Simple has been promoted to Eminence. [06/07/20]
* Leki left. [02/07/20]
* Kicked AmazingGuy. [28/06/20]
* Daksheeboy Joined. [23/06/20]
* Marked Devon as Active and Jasmeet as Inactive. [06/06/20]
* Neurox has been promoted to Leading Light and Joseriul has been promoted to Eminence. [05/06/20]
* Simple_ Joined. [06/03/20]
* Jeffy Joined. [21/05/20]
* Churre and Logan has been promoted to Leading Light. [03/05/20]
* JoseriuL Joined. [02/05/20]
* Hoock has been promoted to Magnate. [26/04/20]
* Blind has been promoted to Eminence.[16/04/20]
* Remove Cryless from the list.[15/04/20]
* Owner Hoia added Alisha to the Clan as Prime Mover. [13/04/20]
* Elena joined. [12/04/20]
* Bear has been made the lead of Magnate. [01/04/20]
* AmazingGuy has been demoted to Leading Light and Rachkham has been demoted to Prime mover (Inactive). [01/04/20]
* Churre has been promoted to Eminence. [01/04/20]
* Thi joined. [28/03/20]
* Neurox has been promoted to Eminence. [24/03/20]
* Bear has been promoted to Magnate. [18/03/20]
* Wolqy joined . [ 15/9/2019]
*Neurox joined. [12/09/19]
*BlackyBurn has been promoted to Leading Light. [10/09/19].
*Teddy has been promoted to Owner by Hoia. [09/09/19]
*Jasmeet joined . [ 31/7/2019 ]
*BlackyBurn has been promoted to Eminence.[29/7/19].
*LoganZ has been promoted to Eminence.[23/7/19].
*LoganZ accepted as full member(Prime Mover).[15/4/19].
*Hoock has been promoted to Leading Light and Amazing Guy to Magnate.[15/4/19].
*BlackyBurn joined. [14/04/2019]
*LoganZ joined ( trial member ) . [9/04/2019]
*Remove Kakashi from the list (Banned from the server and forum)[01/04/2019].
*Removed Solaimane from the list (Banned from the server and forum).[30/03/2019].
*BreakDown has been promoted to Owner by Hoia and Zed[29/03/2019].
* Churre joined. [25/2/2019]
* Rayleigh has been promoted to Leading Light [10/2/2019]
*Jealous Left [5/2/19].
*Jealous moved to Leading Light by Rackham.[25/01/2019]
* Hoock has been promoted to Eminence [ 1/1/2019 ]
*Removed Gedo from the list (Banned from the server and forums),Rayleigh and Nikola promoted to Eminence,Kritical to Magnate.[18/12/2018].
*Amazing Guy got his level back.[11/1/2018].
*Amazing Guy gets demoted to Eminence.[10/24/2018]
*Nikola joined.[10/20/2018]
*Amazing Guy, Kritical and Bol have been promoted to Leading Light [13/10/2018]
*Amazing Guy and Kritical have been promoted to Eminence [26/09/2018]
*Bol and Jealous have been promoted to Eminence[27/08/2018].
*Amazing Guy joined.[25/8/2018].
*Kritical joined.[22/8/2018].
*Bol joined.[4/8/2018].
*Jealous joined.[21/07/2018].
*Kakashi has been promoted to Magnate.[13/07/2018]
*Dodo and Gx14 gets demoted to Prime Mover and Leading Light whereas Breakdown moves to Magnate.[05/07/2018]
*TinaRex got promoted to Leading Light and Sana got demoted to Prime Mover due inactivity[1/7/2018].
*Instant quits.[17/06/2018].
*Added HoocK to the clan as Prime Mover.[19/05/18]
*Added Rayleigh to the clan as Prime Mover.[25/04/2018]
*Solaimane moved gedo to Magnate and Aryan to Lead light.[21/04/2018]
*AryaN has been added to the clan.[09/03/2018].
*TinaRex has been added to the clan.[27/2/2018].
* Gedo got promoted to leading light by Saxboy.[20/01/2018]
* Kakashi got promoted to Eminence,Sana got promoted to Leading Light.[31/12/2017]
* Rackham has been made the lead of magnate.[21/12/2017]
* Kakashi has been added to the clan.[13/12/2017]
* Hoia got promoted to Owner section, and Sana to an Eminence.[01/12/2017]
* Kicked Kakashi out of the clan for using hacks.[25/11/2017]
* Hoock has been kicked from the clan for using hacks.[23/11/2017]
* Sana has joined the clan [19/11/2017]
* Hoock got promoted to Eminence and Breakdown to Leading Light.[17/10/2017]
* Hoock has been added to the clan.[01/10/2017]
* Gx14 and Hoia got promoted to magnate, and Kakashi to leading light.[16/09/2017]
* Breakdown and Lolo got promoted to Eminence.[16/09/2017]
* Breakdown has joined the clan.[27/08/2017]
* Kakashi and Gedo got promoted to Eminence.[25/08/2017]
* Hoia and Gx14 got promoted to Leading Light.[ 22/08/2017]
* Lolo has joined the clan.[17/08/2017]
* Aryan left the clan.[24/07/2017]
* Garib_admi and Aryan got into the clan.[18/07/2017]
* Cryless has left the clan, and Kakashi joined.[13/07/2017]
* Gedo has joined the clan and Dodo got promoted to Eminence.[06/07/2017]
* Soollaimane got promoted to Owner,Rackham to Maganate,Hoia and Gx14 to Eminence.[21/06/2017]
* Evil_ left.[03/06/2017]
* Cryless got promoted to Magnate.[02/06/2017]